It's used in a number of coat of arms. Typically associated with the French, but it's in the centre of Spanish monarchy's coat of arms.
The real significance, though, is that I designed all the rest of my 'Matador Room' custom gear with the intention of getting custom FDL ASM's, as a the time I liked the larger inlay. Then later on I had an about face and ended up prefering 1" inlays, and bought a cheap set of mint THC's but already had a bundle of stuff with FDL's printed all over it. Oops.
Maybe you have a good point and this is a great excuse to change the logo and buy a whole new set of custom stuff all over again
The real significance, though, is that I designed all the rest of my 'Matador Room' custom gear with the intention of getting custom FDL ASM's, as a the time I liked the larger inlay. Then later on I had an about face and ended up prefering 1" inlays, and bought a cheap set of mint THC's but already had a bundle of stuff with FDL's printed all over it. Oops.
Maybe you have a good point and this is a great excuse to change the logo and buy a whole new set of custom stuff all over again