Consider the set sold. Will pm you when i get home from work this afternoon.
- D
Consider the set sold. Will pm you when i get home from work this afternoon.
- D
Sell that kind of set should be forbidden ;-)
Let me know if you lose it again and want to sell those Aztar secondaries
How do you guys get access to these sweet casino chips? I'm guessing you have to wait for one to go out of business and then they get sold to a secondary market?
How do you guys get access to these sweet casino chips? I'm guessing you have to wait for one to go out of business and then they get sold to a secondary market?
wow, the colors on those 500's are something else. What does the 1000 chip look like?
wow, the colors on those 500's are something else. What does the 1000 chip look like?
The game has changed and current prices are insane compared to 2010, glad I have what I have
Since then, BCC closed shop, no more paulson home chips/ pips mold, ASM is back where they were but that would be all.
I hope Jim get's back in the game or sets like PCA will be a thing of the past (low prices & easy access).
Does this mean that there is currently no way of obtaining used casino chips from newly closed casinos?