QQ in SB OOP deepstacked (1 Viewer)

If you have AA or KK pre-flop and raise and get reraised, what do you do?

Well if "She fish", will she reraise your reraise?

I dont know guy. I think she has AA, KK, JJ or 1010. I think trips are less likely now otherwise she would have pushed harder.
Well if "She fish", will she reraise your reraise?

I dont know guy. I think she has AA, KK, JJ or 1010. I think trips are less likely now otherwise she would have pushed harder.

100% she does not have AA or KK. She reraises pf 100% of time, never flats. Played with her for years. This was demonstrated only a few hands before this when she did in fact have AA and the other thinking player had KK and was able to fold pf FACE UP knowing she would gloat/ show her aces, which she did.

But if you're sure that's still an option, what's your action?
But if you're sure that's still an option, what's your action?

Call and pray for a queen! But I assume it didnt drop, hence the reason for this post (9/10 these posts are when someone loses so it's hard to not be biased). But trying to put that aside, call.

The only other thing you maybe could have done differently is lead the betting to represent trips and try get her to fold, but I dont know how should would have played that (if she is a fish and was going to call overbets anyway, then value betting is guess is the way to go).

I really dont know haha! Something tells me this loss is going to sting!
If the loss is going to sting, why are you laughing? just seems a little cruel

Man not Dr Evil laughing......... More like I have no idea what to do next! Sometimes I hate the net.

BTW thats why I play micro stakes. I would get heartburn and rectal bleeding with these kinds of numbers being thrown around. I would go into system failure.
($152) 9h 3s 2c 8h

Hero checks. Villain bets $60.

Hero could chk/raise here but is either way ahead or way behind on dry board. Can certainly make a case for both. Villain turn bet was smallish, is that fear or value? Hero calls $60 intending to lead river for bet of $150-ish.

($272) 9h 3s 2c Kc

Hero's action?
Well it had to end like that, otherwise it wouldn't be an interesting story.
What happens if you fake a heart attack? Are the hands killed?
Trip kings :( or she wins with her JJ because she has position (assuming she bets hard). Check-fold. Bummer. Sorry guy.
I don't see why the K should change the plan - really it's one of the better cards we could see. I might lead a little smaller hoping for the payoff from JJ/TT/9x (and a little more room to fold if she jams) - $125.
Ouch. Well, the reasonably possible holding of AK just got there. In fact, if in hearts, explains some of the wonky betting -- looking for the h draw post-turn, so the bet didn't scale up with the pot.

Possible holdings that beat you: 99, AK, (could 22, 33, 88 really be here?!). Possible holdings you beat: JJ, TT, A9 (?!)

Still a few holdings that you can beat, so you'd like to see a showdown if you can get away with it cheap. Villain may let you get away with that given that her earlier bets were repeatedly small (ie 60 at 150). Is it more likely you could get to showdown for 60 if you bet it (and Villain just calls) or if you check and Villain bets 60 again?

I can't imagine the winning hands just calling 60, so that suggests check. You may be giving up some value, but even someone who overvalues middle pairs on a low board will know to fear the K. If she bets and it's still smallish, there's still a respectable chance she's got a losing hand, so you have to call.
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Maybe you want to go for it anyway, with a semi bluff, but I'm pretty wary of AK here.
Sure, villain could have AK - anything's possible. But at this point a K really doesn't help either hero or villain's ranges - apart from random hands that they are leveling each other with and kickers (which are a lot less likely in a 3-bet pot with an 843 board) neither should show up with a K. Generally speaking, the K is a pretty GOOD card for hero, as now when he leads the river it may look more like he is trying to use a "scary" card that isn't actually scary to get a bluff through and could get him paid off lighter. If hero 3-bet with something like 45s or 56s, he might take the same line facing smallish bets on flop and turn and then bluff the K river, but be less likely to bluff if, say, another 3 hits.

tl; dr. Stop being afraid of the king, dammit. :)
@Ben, I like your thinking here and would usually agree. It should be far more likely to have kk in hero's range. If up against a thinking player, there's a lot of merit to leading out with a big bet. With this particular villain I thot it very likely she would call with AK. It might be a tank call if an all-in or overbet, but pretty likely given history.

Hero checks. Villain checks. Villain shows AdKs. Huh? Villain bet with 25% equity and 13.5% equity but checked behind when 100% to win. A couple players make that snide observation. Hero shows his hand to dealer and mucks. Villain racked up 2 orbits later.

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