Playing a pretty wild .25/.50 NLHE game with one bomb pot per orbit, frequent single/double/triple straddles, and plenty of sticky, questionable play. This game is the epitome of "high-variance."
The game starts at $60 max, but has progressed to $100 max as it always does after a few hours. The player to my right (main villain) is new to the game - we've been chatting for a while, and he's told me that as a college student, he was a winning mid-stakes player (2-5, 5-10, and even a little 10-25). He hasn't played much recently though. I haven't seen him play many hands, but he's up a little and seems solid.
Eight players are in for a $2 bomb pot. I'm in MP with , pot is $16 and I have $98 behind after a fresh rebuy. Villain covers me with about $110. The rest of the table is in the $50-150 range.
Flop 1:
Flop 2:
Checks to villain, who open rips it for $110 into $16.
The game starts at $60 max, but has progressed to $100 max as it always does after a few hours. The player to my right (main villain) is new to the game - we've been chatting for a while, and he's told me that as a college student, he was a winning mid-stakes player (2-5, 5-10, and even a little 10-25). He hasn't played much recently though. I haven't seen him play many hands, but he's up a little and seems solid.
Eight players are in for a $2 bomb pot. I'm in MP with , pot is $16 and I have $98 behind after a fresh rebuy. Villain covers me with about $110. The rest of the table is in the $50-150 range.
Flop 1:
Flop 2:
Checks to villain, who open rips it for $110 into $16.