SOLD RAFFLE - BCC Grand Cardroom Tournament Set - now collecting payments (1 Viewer)

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Ticket sales have slowed to a crawl, so it is time to sweeten the pot a little. I have added a 2nd chance drawing for a Suicide Queen sample set :cool:

Whatever the winning number is, the inverse number will win the sample set. So if the winning # is 359, then 953 will win the sample set. If it happens that the inverse number is the same, i.e. 222, 787, 919, etc, the lucky winner will win both the GCR chips and the sample set. Good luck :)
I'd throw my hat in, but its a little light on T25's.

GLWA, tho. Someone is gonna get an awesome set of chips.

The breakdown will easily run a two table T10K with an 8/13/5/6 chip distribution with plenty of T1K and 5K's left for color ups.
The minimum of 50 tickets sold has been reached :) The raffle will close within one week or when 10 more tickets have been sold, whichever comes first.

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Since we have the minimum of at least 50. Can we start to pay now and have status updated?
I'll be on vaca next week and want to make sure you get my payment at least. Don't want to hold everyone up. Txs!
Since we have the minimum of at least 50. Can we start to pay now and have status updated?
I'll be on vaca next week and want to make sure you get my payment at least. Don't want to hold everyone up. Txs!

Yes, it is time to start collecting payments. Payment is by PayPal F&F or you pay the extra fees.

My PayPal address is:

1 ticket - $30
2 tickets - $55
3 tickets - $75


If you list anything else in the comments like PCF, chips, raffle ticket, etc. I will disqualify you from the raffle and still keep your money :eek:;)

Seriously, don't mention anything else in the comments besides your username. If I don't know you or your username doesn't obviously match your real name, please send me a PM so I can match the payments.

I will update the list in the OP when I have received your payment.

Did I mention to list ONLY your username in the PayPal comments :cool: Please post ITT when payment is sent.
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