SOLD RAFFLE! Terrible's limit sets $1/$25 (5 Viewers)

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I hope to be able to get this sorted out tonight. Lots of airline headaches today......:eek::cautious::mad::sick:.......but I'm finally where I need to be.
Sorry, Josh, didn't know you were traveling. Be safe, no worries!

Are you catching any of The Players? (y) :thumbsup:
Okay, 80 entries = 125 numbers/entry.

Here they are in ascending order by numbers:

pltrgyst: 0000 - 0124
ovo: 0125 - 0249
Bonehon: 0250 - 0374
Richard Cranium: 0375 - 0499
krafticus: 0500 - 0624
pltrgyst: 0625 - 749
TheBigTater: 0750 - 0874
madforpancakes: 0875 - 0999
ParrotheadMZ: 1000 - 1124
Local Adam: 1125 - 1249
links_slayer: 1250 - 1374
ssanel54: 1375 - 1499
phaze12: 1500 - 1624
guiness: 1625 - 1749
Victor: 1750 - 1874
tigon: 1875 - 1999
LabMonkey: 2000 - 2124
Forty4: 2125 - 2249
Victor: 2250 - 2374
palindrome: 2375 - 2499
Senor Tony: 2500 - 2624
Irish: 2625 - 2749
bivey: 2750 - 2874
MatB: 2875 - 2999
Chicken Rob: 3000 - 3124
JFCJ: 3125 - 3249
jackstraw: 3250 - 3374
JFCJ: 3375 - 3499
Junior24xx: 3500 - 3624
JFCJ: 3625 - 3749
ovo: 3750 - 3874
acl1904: 3875 - 3999
iBetOnEverything: 4000 - 4124
jemfernandez: 4125 - 4249
MatB: 4250 - 4374
AdamAAAA: 4375 - 4499
jackstraw: 4500 - 4624
AK Chip: 4625 - 4749
jja412: 4750 - 4874
trever: 4875 - 4999
jja412: 5000 - 5124
pltrgyst: 5125 - 5249
AdamAAAA: 5250 - 5374
TheSnake: 5375 - 5499
Forty4: 5500 - 5624
joeyshin: 5625 - 5749
Ronoh: 5750 - 5874
softchewy: 5875 - 5999
BooRayUSA: 6000 - 6124
Victor: 6125 - 6249
JFCJ: 6250 - 6374
ohio3302016: 6375 - 6499
guiness: 6500 - 6624
acl1904: 6625 - 6749
kirchhausen: 6750 - 6874
ssanel54: 6875 - 6999
jackstraw: 7000 - 7124
ssanel54: 7125 - 7249
jackstraw: 7250 - 7374
AllinBallin: 7375 - 7499
stocky: 7500 - 7624
jackstraw: 7625 - 7749
JFCJ: 7750 - 7874
Local Brad: 7875 - 7999
pltrgyst: 8000 - 8124
Joe Harris: 8125 - 8249
Local Jason: 8250 - 8374
Local Adam: 8375 - 8499
Ronoh: 8500 - 8624
itchio22: 8625 - 8749
GrumpyCatMalaka: 8750 - 8874
ruskba: 8875 - 8999
Forty4: 9000 - 9124
AfterTheFact: 9125 - 9249
bergs: 9250 - 9374
Local Brad: 9375 - 9499
guiness: 9500 - 9624
TheSnake: 9625 - 9749
Matt G: 9750 - 9874
Mr. Cheese: 9875 - 9999

And here they are in ascending order by PCF'er ID:

acl1904: 3875 - 3999
acl1904: 6625 - 6749
AdamAAAA: 4375 - 4499
AdamAAAA: 5250 - 5374
AfterTheFact: 9125 - 9249
AK Chip: 4625 - 4749
AllinBallin: 7375 - 7499
bergs: 9250 - 9374
bivey: 2750 - 2874
Bonehon: 0250 - 0374
BooRayUSA: 6000 - 6124
Chicken Rob: 3000 - 3124
Forty4: 2125 - 2249
Forty4: 5500 - 5624
Forty4: 9000 - 9124
GrumpyCatMalaka: 8750 - 8874
guiness: 1625 - 1749
guiness: 6500 - 6624
guiness: 9500 - 9624
iBetOnEverything: 4000 - 4124
Irish: 2625 - 2749
itchio22: 8625 - 8749
jackstraw: 3250 - 3374
jackstraw: 4500 - 4624
jackstraw: 7000 - 7124
jackstraw: 7250 - 7374
jackstraw: 7625 - 7749
jemfernandez: 4125 - 4249
JFCJ: 3125 - 3249
JFCJ: 3375 - 3499
JFCJ: 3625 - 3749
JFCJ: 6250 - 6374
JFCJ: 7750 - 7874
jja412: 4750 - 4874
jja412: 5000 - 5124
Joe Harris: 8125 - 8249
joeyshin: 5625 - 5749
Junior24xx: 3500 - 3624
kirchhausen: 6750 - 6874
krafticus: 0500 - 0624
LabMonkey: 2000 - 2124
links_slayer: 1250 - 1374
Local Adam: 1125 - 1249
Local Adam: 8375 - 8499
Local Brad: 7875 - 7999
Local Brad: 9375 - 9499
Local Jason: 8250 - 8374
madforpancakes: 0875 - 0999
MatB: 2875 - 2999
MatB: 4250 - 4374
Matt G: 9750 - 9874
Mr. Cheese: 9875 - 9999
ohio3302016: 6375 - 6499
ovo: 0125 - 0249
ovo: 3750 - 3874
palindrome: 2375 - 2499
ParrotheadMZ: 1000 - 1124
phaze12: 1500 - 1624
pltrgyst: 0000 - 0124
pltrgyst: 0625 - 749
pltrgyst: 5125 - 5249
pltrgyst: 8000 - 8124
Richard Cranium: 0375 - 0499
Ronoh: 5750 - 5874
Ronoh: 8500 - 8624
ruskba: 8875 - 8999
Senor Tony: 2500 - 2624
softchewy: 5875 - 5999
ssanel54: 1375 - 1499
ssanel54: 6875 - 6999
ssanel54: 7125 - 7249
stocky: 7500 - 7624
TheBigTater: 0750 - 0874
TheSnake: 5375 - 5499
TheSnake: 9625 - 9749
tigon: 1875 - 1999
trever: 4875 - 4999
Victor: 1750 - 1874
Victor: 2250 - 2374
Victor: 6125 - 6249
I'll wait till Wednesday because I have to. But I won't like it. It feels like forever since I bought the ticket.
I'll wait till Wednesday because I have to. But I won't like it. It feels like forever since I bought the ticket.

Mainly because members were slow to buy tickets. But also because you suggested following a lottery method for transparency, which I fully support, and recruited Josh to coordinate that. He has quite a lot going on this week so I thought I'd let him choose which day.
All good. Wednesday it is !!

Something to cry about on Thursday now
All good. Wednesday it is !!

Something to cry about on Thursday now

Sunday night : MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Monday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Tuesday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Wednesday night: MatB cries about how the Kentucky Daily Pick 4 is rigged
Thursday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Friday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Saturday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.

At least you'll have something different to break up the monotony of your usual crying schedule. (y) :thumbsup:
Mainly because members were slow to buy tickets. But also because you suggested following a lottery method for transparency, which I fully support, and recruited Josh to coordinate that. He has quite a lot going on this week so I thought I'd let him choose which day.

You're doing the right thing, but until I see the losing result, I carry the false hope of winning, and I find the simultaneous actions of being hopeful and knowing I won't win emotionally exhausting.
Sunday night : MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Monday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Tuesday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Wednesday night: MatB cries about how the Kentucky Daily Pick 4 is rigged
Thursday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Friday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.
Saturday night: MatB cries about how pokerstars is rigged.

At least you'll have something different to break up the monotony of your usual crying schedule. (y) :thumbsup:

It hurts.
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