SOLD RAFFLE!! Wynn Casino Tourney Chips - 300pc set (4 Viewers)

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Ya it hasn't posted yet, says coming soon. I'm about to lose Internet!!! Doh!
Congrats to jackstraw, for pulling team chicken to victory in the fantasy raffle league.

Even as a 41:44 underdog, facing down the monster that is courage, team chicken shows fantasy skills like no other.
Did I win?

Joking of course. Congrats jackstraw. My first raffle and it was a fun one to watch. Thanks RainmanTrail
Don't think he likes it much!


None-the-less, Congrats! Another happy camper joining the owner's club!

(y) :thumbsup:(y) :thumbsup:(y) :thumbsup:
Congratulations! I hope it brings you many years of happiness!
At least when I finally make it to one of your home games, i can see those chips in person. thanks for the raffle rainman
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