RE: poker chip notification program or website? (1 Viewer)


Waiting List
Jun 9, 2023
Reaction score
college grove, TN
As a newbie on this site I was wondering, is there any type of website or program that allows you to plug in a certain type of poker chip (or really anything for that matter) that you are looking for and then it continually searches the internet until it finally pops up for sale and then notifies you so you can purchase it? If not, that seems like that would be a great tool for anyone looking for rare items rather than having to continually comb the internet for the item until they find it. Although maybe that’s too easy and defeats the fun of searching for a rare item. Anyways, I was just wondering.
Although maybe that’s too easy and defeats the fun of searching for a rare item
The hunt is the game. It’s what brought us here in the first place, and we have been given so much more back than only chips as a result. So, if such a button exists, I’m not pressing it.

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