Relabeling Paulsons as $500/$1K chips (3 Viewers)


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Dec 8, 2015
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I have a set of PNYs and PCAs, neither of which has a $500 or $1K chip. I need a rack of each denom to complete the sets, but I am pretty certain given the price of those chips I will never be able to complete the sets with PCA/PNY $500/$1Kchips. Alternatively, I can relabel some other Paulson chips to fit the bill. Once I find the right chip, I will ask @Gear to make the labels, and I've been told I can hire some kids from an art school to make sure the labels are perfectly applied :D

Any suggestion on a particular Paulson I should use for the $500 (preferably the same chip for both sets) and for the $1K? I do have some $1 chips that I am unlikely to use anytime soon and could use them in this re-label project, but am open to any suggestion of reasonably-priced chips to use in this project.



Mixed $1s - 002.jpg
How about having some ceramic plaques made? Or plaques from MSK? Both offer total customization and will help you avoid the inlay size difference, which would personally tilt my ocd condition.
How about having some ceramic plaques made? Or plaques from MSK? Both offer total customization and will help you avoid the inlay size difference, which would personally tilt my ocd condition.

I do have plaques. I also have ceramic hybrid $500/$1K chips that I can use. But as an alternative to those, I'd like to have 2-4 racks of Paulson relabeled $500/$1K chips as well... looking for the right chips for PNY/PCA sets to relabel. (y) :thumbsup:
The PCA's shouldn't be hard to relabel given the majority of the chips are on the THC mold and use the standard inlay. I'd try and find a pink/purple THC snapper to relabel as your $500 and a yellow Cali $5 chip as your $1000 chip.

I agree with @Quicksilver-75, getting custom plaques made is a great idea considering the PNY's use the giant inlay. My OCD would kick in as well.:sick: If you didn't want to get plaques made, you could try and find a purple/pink & yellow/orange RHC chip with a smooth grand inlay.

I could see that Jerry's nugget $1 relabeled as a $1000 chip for your PCA set if you wanted to save some money. The only obvious issue with that is both your $1 & $1000's base color would be white.
I agree the Jerry's would make a good 1K relabel candiadte for the PCA set since you have them already. I'm planning on using Jerry's for a relabeled Casa 1K chip myself. Nice spot combo for a high denom chip.

I always thought the best choice for THC $500 relabel has always been the fantasy chips that use the color/spot like LeCove 50, Casino De Mexico 50, Horseshoe Gardena 50, etc... if you can find them for reasonable price. A lot of snappers are going to be in the same color range for a $500 as well.

The PNY's are going to be hard to match up the giant inlay look. Those 911 tribute chips that sold a couple of weeks ago in the classifieds would have been perfect. Any standard inlay size relabel will look out of place. Plaques may be the best way to go with the PNY's though.
I always thought the best choice for THC $500 relabel has always been the fantasy chips that use the color/spot like LeCove 50, Casino De Mexico 50, Horseshoe Gardena 50, etc... if you can find them for reasonable price.
Agreed, fuchsia is a great $500 chip color for many sets; I'm using it for my expanded 20th Century tourney set.

The grey/yellow Casablanca $100s make a pretty decent high denom relabel candidate, too -- they can work in either the $1000 or $5000 spots.

No way I'd use a 7/8" or 1" labeled high denom chip with PNYs. Of course, I wouldn't use the PNYs regardless.... :sneaky::p

Seriously though, I don't think dual purpose chips are a very good fit for PCA and PNY sets -- they are just too dissimilar. Might be able to get away with dual purpose plaques though, if cost is a concern.
I'd try and find a pink/purple THC snapper to relabel as your $500 and a yellow Cali $5 chip as your $1000 chip.

I like the idea of going with very differentiated colors (y) :thumbsup:. I have to be on the lookout for some new chips in the Classifieds ;)

I agree with @Quicksilver-75, getting custom plaques made is a great idea considering the PNY's use the giant inlay. My OCD would kick in as well.:sick: If you didn't want to get plaques made, you could try and find a purple/pink & yellow/orange RHC chip with a smooth grand inlay.

I will definitely look into the latter. The former, we already have plaques. I have a bad case of OCD too, hence trying to fix the 'issue' of not having $500/$1K chips for these two sets, even though they don't see much of play anyway.

I could see that Jerry's nugget $1 relabeled as a $1000 chip for your PCA set if you wanted to save some money. The only obvious issue with that is both your $1 & $1000's base color would be white.

I could use white chips as $500s , and stay consistent with the Mayfair set I ordered, as $1s never see play in our game. :(
I agree the Jerry's would make a good 1K relabel candiadte for the PCA set since you have them already. I'm planning on using Jerry's for a relabeled Casa 1K chip myself. Nice spot combo for a high denom chip.

I always thought the best choice for THC $500 relabel has always been the fantasy chips that use the color/spot like LeCove 50, Casino De Mexico 50, Horseshoe Gardena 50, etc... if you can find them for reasonable price. A lot of snappers are going to be in the same color range for a $500 as well.

The PNY's are going to be hard to match up the giant inlay look. Those 911 tribute chips that sold a couple of weeks ago in the classifieds would have been perfect. Any standard inlay size relabel will look out of place. Plaques may be the best way to go with the PNY's though.

Jerry's have received 2 votes for the relabel project so far (y) :thumbsup:.

I bought the 9/11 tribute chips for this project but inquired for a re-label and @Gear said they are not a good candidate. So I am keeping them as they are.

I think Dave will be happy to see me sell my PNY set as he is keeping a secret score of how many chippers he has 'convinced' that their giant inlays are indeed ugly...yes, I said the unspeakable word again and called my own chips UGLY...sue me :LOL: :laugh: ... and I consider them to be one of MY grail sets. Again, sue me. :p
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Agreed, fuchsia is a great $500 chip color for many sets; I'm using it for my expanded 20th Century tourney set.

The grey/yellow Casablanca $100s make a pretty decent high denom relabel candidate, too -- they can work in either the $1000 or $5000 spots.

No way I'd use a 7/8" or 1" labeled high denom chip with PNYs. Of course, I wouldn't use the PNYs regardless.... :sneaky::p

Seriously though, I don't think dual purpose chips are a very good fit for PCA and PNY sets -- they are just too dissimilar. Might be able to get away with dual purpose plaques though, if cost is a concern.

I hate to agree with the man so many times, but when you're right, you are right. To each their own, but the giant inlay PNYs are NOT pretty (you can see a more descriptive word in the prior post). As long as I live in NY, it is very unlikely that I will ever sell this set. And if I didn't have a connection to these sets, I would have never bought/collected/kept them. But, given y predicament, I still like to find $500/$1K chips for this set.

regarding dual purpose chips: point taken. I will go the route of trying to figure out two different sets.

What do you guys think of $1 Jerry's as $500 for the PCA set and $2 Orange Outpost as $1K chips?

for the PNY set...TBD
What do you guys think of $1 Jerry's as $500 for the PCA set and $2 Orange Outpost as $1K chips?
The $1 Jerry's would work in either spot, but I don't think the $2 Outpost has a good spot config for that usage..... to me, the simplistic 312 spots look out of place.

The LeCove $500 (and other similar fantasy chips) have a nice purple base with 6d18 spots that would fit nicely in either slot.
The $1 Jerry's would work in either spot, but I don't think the $2 Outpost has a good spot config for that usage..... to me, the simplistic 312 spots look out of place.

The LeCove $500 (and other similar fantasy chips) have a nice purple base with 6d18 spots that would fit nicely in either slot.

Thanks. Can you suggest a few other Orange chips that might work as $1K with the PCAs? I want to know what to be on the lookout for in the Classifieds ;)
There aren't many, and none are cheap:
  • Empress Casino $1000 (pri and sec)
  • Casino Aztar (IN) $1000 (pri and sec)
  • Horseshoe Clev $1000 (pri and sec)
  • Horseshoe Cincy $1000 (pri and sec)
Not much else, at least in quantity. And only the Empress above are 39mm; all of the others listed are 43mm IHC. Blaze orange chips are expensive, and usually hard to come by.

There are a few 39mm THC fantasy chips out there in either yellow, mustard, or arc yellow -- some of those colors and spot combos might work okay.
I bought the 9/11 tribute chips for this project but inquired for a re-label project and @Gear said they are not a good candidate. So I am keeping them as they are.

Didn't realize you got them, cool. I thought that as a ND chip they would fit perfectly with the PNY's. Don't think any large/giant inlay chips are candidates for relabels. Using them as a ND chip is what I was saying. The PNY's are going to be almost impossible to match anything to which is good and bad as a set & why lots of people use plaques instead.

What do you guys think of $1 Jerry's as $500 for the PCA set

The Jerry's could work for either $500, 1K or even 5K for the PCA's or in any set depending on other chip colors.
I know I asked for Paulsons, but if I can’t find a feasible/economical solution, what about using CPC chips? Can I piggyback on someone’s order and order 4 racks of 44mm chips (two white $500s and two orange $1Ks)?
Jerry's have received 2 votes for the relabel project so far (y) :thumbsup:.

I bought the 9/11 tribute chips for this project but inquired for a re-label project and @Gear said they are not a good candidate. So I am keeping them as they are.

I think Dave will be happy to see me sell my PNY set as he is keeping a secret score of how many chippers he has 'convinced' that they giant inlays are ugly...yes, I said the unspeakable word again and called my own chips UGLY...sue me :LOL: :laugh:
Good for you. I own some Paulson fan of cards chips. They have giant inlays and they're UGLY. But what the hell, they have a place in my life.
I know I asked for Paulsons, but if I can’t find a feasible/economical solution, what about using CPC chips? Can I piggyback on someone’s order and order 4 racks of 44mm chips (two white $500s and two orange $1Ks)?
Ack, I think that would be worse (if you're talking PNY chips) -- the inlay vs chip diameter ratios are far worse on the CPC oversize chips (bordering on inlays being too small for the chip).

If referring to PCA add-ons, I'd go with the Jockey mold to maintain visual similarity.
Ack, I think that would be worse (if you're talking PNY chips) -- the inlay vs chip diameter ratios are far worse on the CPC oversize chips (bordering on inlays being too small for the chip).

If referring to PCA add-ons, I'd go with the Jockey mold to maintain visual similarity.

Got it. Will keep working on different ideas. Hopefully something pops up.

I was also thinking of a solid orange Paulson chips similar to the Guflport $0.25

Screen Shot 2017-12-28 at 3.41.29 PM.png
I know I asked for Paulsons, but if I can’t find a feasible/economical solution, what about using CPC chips? Can I piggyback on someone’s order and order 4 racks of 44mm chips (two white $500s and two orange $1Ks)?
Is getting CPC 44mm blanks, and having gear Giant mill/ Label them feasible?
I would think so. He can mill any size diameter, and create labels in any diameter......
When I was looking to expand my PCAs with higher demons, I settled on these CDI 98's. Great colors and work really will with the rest of the PCAs. But alas, I never followed through and finally decided on just using plaques. But if I was again so inclined to do chips, these are what I'd go with.


Will keep working on different ideas. Hopefully something pops up.
/gear/ can mill any size diameter, and create labels in any diameter......
Got to thinking about this today.....

Your best bet for creating similar high-denomination chips for the PNY set may be to purchase RHC chips with 'regular' inlays, and have @Gear mill them out to fit an oversize label. Mold would match, inlay/label diameter would match (although appearance would be slightly different, since part of the hat/cane mold markings would actually be milled out and underneath the new label). But the appearance of the chip face -- oversize inlay, very little of the edge spots showing around the circumference -- would be nearly identical. No reason that an existing RHC chip with a giant inlay couldn't be milled out to accept a replacement giant label, either (other than possible centering issues).

Consider what these chips below would look like if the pink/green 6d18-spotted RHC chips on the left and right had been milled out large enough to accept an oversize (giant) label, instead of just applying a small label into the original recessed area. It would be about as good as you're gonna get (besides originals), imo. Granted, you're going to be playing with clay chips that have very little actual clay contact between each other when stacked, but that's pretty close to the truth with any giant inlay chip out there, as well.

Got to thinking about this today.....

Your best bet for creating similar high-denomination chips for the PNY set may be to purchase RHC chips with 'regular' inlays, and have @Gear mill them out to fit an oversize label. Mold would match, inlay/label diameter would match (although appearance would be slightly different, since part of the hat/cane mold markings would actually be milled out and underneath the new label). But the appearance of the chip face -- oversize inlay, very little of the edge spots showing around the circumference -- would be nearly identical. No reason that an existing RHC chip with a giant inlay couldn't be milled out to accept a replacement giant label, either (other than possible centering issues).

Consider what these chips below would look like if the pink/green 6d18-spotted RHC chips on the left and right had been milled out large enough to accept an oversize (giant) label, instead of just applying a small label into the original recessed area. It would be about as good as you're gonna get (besides originals), imo. Granted, you're going to be playing with clay chips that have very little actual clay contact between each other when stacked, but that's pretty close to the truth with any giant inlay chip out there, as well.


Thanks Dave!!! That’s an awesome suggestion. The wheels are now turning. Next step is to find the right chips to watch out for in the classified :D. Out of curiosity, what are the base chips in the picture?
Fantasy chips, several sets use that same color/spot combo. Available in both RHC and THC mold.

I'd have to hunt down the exact sets that have RHC chips, but i think one of them is Good Luck Club. Others too, for sure.
Got to thinking about this today.....

Your best bet for creating similar high-denomination chips for the PNY set may be to purchase RHC chips with 'regular' inlays, and have @Gear mill them out to fit an oversize label. Mold would match, inlay/label diameter would match (although appearance would be slightly different, since part of the hat/cane mold markings would actually be milled out and underneath the new label). But the appearance of the chip face -- oversize inlay, very little of the edge spots showing around the circumference -- would be nearly identical. No reason that an existing RHC chip with a giant inlay couldn't be milled out to accept a replacement giant label, either (other than possible centering issues).

Consider what these chips below would look like if the pink/green 6d18-spotted RHC chips on the left and right had been milled out large enough to accept an oversize (giant) label, instead of just applying a small label into the original recessed area. It would be about as good as you're gonna get (besides originals), imo. Granted, you're going to be playing with clay chips that have very little actual clay contact between each other when stacked, but that's pretty close to the truth with any giant inlay chip out there, as well.

Interesting idea; has it been done?
I wonder if you'd run into trouble with chipping, while milling the areas where the hats and canes are.
have @Gear mill them out to fit an oversize label.

Interesting idea. I hadn't thought of doing that, mostly because milling an existing inlay to make a different inlay is an exercise in frustration ... but only when the overall diameter is roughly the same (e.g. changing a shaped inlay to a circular inlay, or vice-versa.) Milling a recess that is substantially larger than the original might just be crazy enough to work.

I might give that a try.
Interesting idea. I hadn't thought of doing that, mostly because milling an existing inlay to make a different inlay is an exercise in frustration ... but only when the overall diameter is roughly the same (e.g. changing a shaped inlay to a circular inlay, or vice-versa.) Milling a recess that is substantially larger than the original might just be crazy enough to work.

I might give that a try.

Very interested in seeing some R&D pron.:coffee:

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