Reporter & Cameraman Killed Live on Air (1 Viewer)

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A new beginning
Oct 28, 2014
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Tampa FL
This is blowing up on my facebook, know a lot of you aren't in that loop. Pretty disturbing, just took place in Virginia. Reports I've seen are that is was a disgruntled ex employee of the tv station.

You don't really see anyone bleeding here, but it's still graphic with the screaming in case you're squeamish:

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Both the reporter and her cameraman were killed, the woman they were interviewing was also shot and is in surgery.

Additional reports coming in recently mention the perp was captured by a State Trooper, guy had a self-inflicted gunshot wound but is not dead.
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Heard he was updating his twitter feed about the shooting and allegedly what caused it. Now that's a sociopath!
Heard he was updating his twitter feed about the shooting and allegedly what caused it. Now that's a sociopath!

We'll have to find out how he tips and handles unsolicited sales calls before we can pass judgment
I guess this guy filmed himself doing the killings and posted it to facebook, and announced it on his twitter, both of which have been taken down. Liveleak supposedly has that footage but the link isn't working for me (may be overloaded).

My coworker found the vid on facebook and he's right behind the cameraman when he opens fire first on the female reporter, who is hit multiple times, screams and starts to run away, then fires and hits the others. Crazy shit.
I'll just repost this. I think it goes for watching the video too:

Whatever you hear or read today, try not to learn anything about the gunman. If the start talking about him, turn it off. Don't make him the Star of this story. RIP Reporter Alison Parker (24) and Cameraman Adam Ward (27).

That's it. I'm done with this guy. Searching for the "block" option.
The Shooter Vester Lee Flanagan had a pulse when he was arrested (crashed his car and self-inflicted gunshot wound) but has been pronounced dead.

The interview suspect who was having surgery is listed in stable condition now and is expected to pull through.

It's being reported that the shooter sent ABC News a 23-page manifesto that lists his primary reason for this act is because he felt he was mistreated as a gay black man.
ok, it is OK to talk, discuss, share and feel when something like this happens. It is a real tragedy. It is also ok to follow it and see how the survivors fare and what happens/what justice is brought to the maniac that thought it was a righteous thing to do. It is NOT ok to post the actual vid dude. I know you "warned" us, but it has to go. Take it down, nobody needs to see it; TAKE IT DOWN NOW.
This might come as a shock to you gnu but virtually all of us have access to CNN and other news outlets in addition to, you know, a chip collecting board. You don't need to start a thread for every significant news story.
New York Daily News front page tomorrow is 1000x worse. So terrible, you almost want to believe someone faked it. New low for print journalism integrity.
New York Daily News front page tomorrow is 1000x worse. So terrible, you almost want to believe someone faked it. New low for print journalism integrity.

I 100% thought it was a fake when I first saw it, I am floored they would do that.

I didn't watch the video of the killing this morning not for some moral stance against the killer but just because I try to avoid watching people die if I can help it. I was 18 in 1997, about the time the internet became available to the "general" population. A combination of being young and curious along with my own apartment and the internets ability to show you anything led me to looking at stuff that no one needs to see if they can help it. I got an appreciation for how soft and pink on the inside we all are and how messy and cruel life can be. One day years later, probably feeling like I had "seen it all" I made the mistake of watching the Nicholas Berg video and it changed my life in a way I didn't think was possible given what I had seen in the past. I'm not exagerating when I say it changed me, I remember thinking to myself what a mistake I had made in seeing something like that when I didn't have to. Death is unpleasant enough, seeing that kind of death can hurt your soul.

Since that day I avoid watching people get killed or maimed, I won't even watch the multiple replays of a sports injury, but what the NY Daily did was show me what I try to avoid seeing at all costs and I don't think that's cool at all. All that is not even beginning to describe what her family/friends must be feeling about it. That moment is literally the beginning of the end of her life, I am speechless that they would put that on the cover.
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just saw the cover. sent the editors an appropriate email, excuse me while I go puke
New York Daily News front page tomorrow is 1000x worse. So terrible, you almost want to believe someone faked it. New low for print journalism integrity.

It may be low but it's the world we now live in. With social media the way it is, it's become to easy for guys like this to post their disgusting acts and have it reach a massive audience in seconds. And unfortunately there are people out there who want to see it.


You just know that every sociopath is right now out there buying a Go Pro and planning to live feed their next mass shooting on periscope or twitch.
^^^^ This

Suicide is a psychological problem. How the person commits suicide, and how their body is found is typically a consideration in the attempt. Broadcasting a mass murder/suicide will allow a person to be remembered. I knew 24 media outlets would cover this kind of crap - thus giving more reasons for others to duplicate it - but Gnu has just hit a new, scrape the bottom of the barrel, low by posting this.

I've enjoyed the debates sir, but congrats - you are now the first person I have ever blocked.

I hope you don't sell off an awesome chip collection for pennies on the dollar - because I would miss the sale. Sell them on eBay so I don't know it's you.
Yes, clearly I am the reason for mass murders now too, why not tack that on, lol. It's not like this was all over every news outlet on tv and online, it's not like this was all over facebook and it's not like you all have a choice to watch or not watch the video, clearly I forced you all. (climbs onto cross for crucifixion)
Oh, and I forced you all to click on this thread too. Just ignore me if you don't like my content, it's not that hard America
Just came across a discussion on the NY Daily's cover, I've gotta agree with Jim here. You can try to ignore it, you can try to pretend it doesn't exist because it makes you uncomfortable, but ignoring problems never solved them.

Oh yeah, and you guys probably never watched the Kennedy assassination which, to me, was far more graphic than the footage I've linked to. Just keep viewing the world through your rose-colored glasses

Here's a really good timeline of the Kennedy news coverage from a TV Guide article in 1964, which lasted for days as the country followed it intensely. There are horrors and evils in the world, you can ignore them all you want, but that won't make them go away.

From the moment the first TV news bulletin cut through the sticky story line of a soap opera called "As the World Turns," at exactly 1:40 (EST) on Friday afternoon, the world of communications - if not the world - was to be a vastly different sort of place, never to be quite the same again. It was not just the sudden, senseless cutting down of a young, vigorous President that made the experience cut so deep, but the fact that no one had ever lived a national tragedy in quite these terms before. When Lincoln was assassinated by a frenzied actor at Ford's Theater in 1865, Americans had time to assimilate the tragedy. Most people in the big cities knew within 24 hours, but there were some in outlying areas for whom it took days.

In the new world of communications there was no time for any such babying of the emotions, no time to collect oneself, no time for anything except to sit transfixed before the set and try to bring into reality this monstrous, unthinkable thing. Because the word was not only instantaneous but visual, and because at no time did the television reporters know any more than the viewers did, 180,000,000 were forced to live the experience not just hour to hour, or minute to minute, but quite literally from second to second, even as the reporters themselves did. According to Nielsen statistics, a point was reached during the funeral on Monday afternoon when 41,553,000 sets were in use, believed to be an all-time high. For four days the American people were virtual prisoners of an electronic box.

Thus what happened on the television screen became in every sense an epic drama four days long, in which the viewers were not so much spectators as participants. The insistent commercial, the thin, strident melodrama and the pleasantly foolish prattle of the quiz game had suddenly been stilled, as a blizzard stills the clamor of a big city. No pat endings here. In their place came the endless images of human frailty, dignity and grace, until it seemed the spirit could absorb no more: Mrs. Kennedy, vibrant testimony to the heights to which the human spirit can rise. The new President, constantly reminding us by his actions that there was still someone in charge. "Now then, let's get this airplane back to Washington." The endless thousands filing by the casket of the President in the rotunda. Robert Kennedy, a man so shattered he seemed almost to be walking in his sleep. The solid phalanx of visiting heads of state advancing on the church and looking for all the world like factory workers at closing time. The tum-tum-tum-ta-tum of the muffled drums crossing Arlington Memorial Bridge. John-John's heart-stopping salute to his father on the steps of St. Matthew's. Blackjack, the riderless horse, ancient symbol of the fallen hero, all skittish and full of spirit The white-gloved hands during the flag folding at Arlington National Cemetery. The bugler who played the sour note during taps. "The bugler's lip quivered for the Nation," Edward P. Morgan observed later.

The nasal voice of Richard Cardinal Cushing, whose burial service seemed at times more like a cry of anguish. Counterpointed against all this, the jarring impact of the alleged assassin's own murder, so quick, so unexpected, so nightmarish in its implications and so immediate because an already-staggered Nation saw it as it happened on TV. "It was as if the sacrifice of a President were not enough," Charles Collingwood said.
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I've enjoyed the debates sir, but congrats - you are now the first person I have ever blocked.

I'm #1, I'm #1 !!!!!

I hope you don't sell off an awesome chip collection for pennies on the dollar - because I would miss the sale. Sell them on eBay so I don't know it's you.

I only have CPS chips at the moment, plus I'm grandgnu on eBay too, so I think you'll be fine.
You guys make my head hurt. I almost feel dumber for saying this but you are aware that you are giving him exactly what he wants, yeah?

It's Trolling 101. The guy got hits on his tipping and prank calls feelers so he starts in with the political and violence related "opinions" that he knows will be unpopular.

Why do this here? Because trolls are everywhere. Anywhere else he is just another face in the crowd... he doesn't get the personal attention. Here he doesn't even have Mojo to compete with. He certainly isn't here for the chips, dude has been around for years and doesn't have any.

They thrive on other peoples "last word" attempts and they mark it up as a huge win in their scorebooks when they get anyone to publicly announce "I'm blocking you". Only way to kill the troll is to ignore the troll.
He certainly isn't here for the chips, dude has been around for years and doesn't have any.

I have 1,200 CPS tournament chips and 2,000 CPS custom cash chips. I used to have a set of 300 Le Paulson Noire but sold those years back (still regretting it) and plan to get a custom set of ASM's in the future (Poseidons Palace fantasy custom set I've been dreaming of for awhile). But no, I don't have the funds to have some of the more impressive sets that many of the regulars here do.

Only way to kill the troll is to ignore the troll.

Uh, thanks for the thread bump?
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