Reporter & Cameraman Killed Live on Air (1 Viewer)

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NY Daily News has a history of shock covers. Its their disgusting niche and exemplifies everything that is wrong with US Media.
NY Daily News has a history of shock covers. Its their disgusting niche and exemplifies everything that is wrong with US Media.

If you run a business and have a heartwarming story about a soldier being reunited with his dog that will get you 100,000 views or a story that has more shock value to it and will get you 10,000,000 views, which one do you publish?

There's a reason the media operates the way they do, because people eat it up and the media companies need to remain competitive in a very changed world as far as news media goes from decades ago.
If you run a business and have a heartwarming story about a soldier being reunited with his dog that will get you 100,000 views or a story that has more shock value to it and will get you 10,000,000 views, which one do you publish?

There's a reason the media operates the way they do, because people eat it up and the media companies need to remain competitive in a very changed world as far as news media goes from decades ago.

so the purported justification for media companies is to get more views and remain competitive. and yet you posted it here on PCF where you will get dozens of "likes" for posts with boobs or puppies, but will get zero for posts like yours. i wonder what your motivation might be...
so the purported justification for media companies is to get more views and remain competitive. and yet you posted it here on PCF where you will get dozens of "likes" for posts with boobs or puppies, but will get zero for posts like yours. i wonder what your motivation might be...


Tips a Waitress $2 for poor service, doesn't berate her, doesn't get her in trouble with management
Uses a funny voice and calls himself Cash Mo Ney to a telemarketer and doesn't swear at or berate her
Shares a news story that is less graphic in content than the Kennedy Assassination with videos that can be optionally viewed

I'm Satan clearly.
Tips a Waitress $2 for poor service, doesn't berate her, doesn't get her in trouble with management
Uses a funny voice and calls himself Cash Mo Ney to a telemarketer and doesn't swear at or berate her
Shares a news story that is less graphic in content than the Kennedy Assassination with videos that can be optionally viewed

I'm Satan clearly.

Was there a point to your last 128 posts or did I just miss it? I could've missed it. I've been too busy trying to make fun of short people and the French in order to keep my Mean Girls points up.
Tips a Waitress $2 for poor service, doesn't berate her, doesn't get her in trouble with management
Uses a funny voice and calls himself Cash Mo Ney to a telemarketer and doesn't swear at or berate her
Shares a news story that is less graphic in content than the Kennedy Assassination with videos that can be optionally viewed

I'm Satan clearly.
Was there a point to your last 128 posts or did I just miss it? I could've missed it. I've been too busy trying to make fun of short people and the French in order to keep my Mean Girls points up.
Sure. My point is that you all are clearly overreacting and overly sensitive and utilizing mob mentality in an attempt to demonize me

If my posts are so offensive to you use the ignore feature or avoid my threads. If you choose not to you only have yourself to blame
Sure. My point is that you all are clearly overreacting and overly sensitive and utilizing mob mentality in an attempt to demonize me

If my posts are so offensive to you use the ignore feature or avoid my threads. If you choose not to you only have yourself to blame

Haven't we already established the minimum height requirements for demon status? I said you were more of an imp, if memory serves. I will own having impized you - I take full responsibility for that.

I don't find your posts offensive. Mindlessly, numbingly, recursively pointless, but not offensive or annoying.

So basically, in summary, you became the Walter Cronkite of PCF to incite the masses to rise up against you so that you may victoriously straddle the pedestal of unfair impization?
Haven't we already established the minimum height requirements for demon status? I said you were more of an imp, if memory serves. I will own having impized you - I take full responsibility for that.

I don't find your posts offensive. Mindlessly, numbingly, recursively pointless, but not offensive or annoying.

So basically, in summary, you became the Walter Cronkite of PCF to incite the masses to rise up against you so that you may victoriously straddle the pedestal of unfair impization?

i know a few truly, truly funny people, but honestly i don't think any of my personal friends is more able to make me violently gut laugh than bergman. i just spent a full 90 seconds incapacitated after just the first three sentences above.
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i know a few truly, truly funny people, but honestly i don't think any of my personal friends is more to make me violently gut laugh than bergman. i just spent a full 90 seconds incapacitated after just the first three sentences above.

i would pit the dog against the human who takes pleasure in ridiculing a random woman's personal appearance on the internet with a lazy joke. and i would choose the dog.

I would argue that a joke at the expense of my height, something I have no control over, is equally as lazy. Where is your outrage butler?
I would argue that a joke at the expense of my height, something I have no control over, is equally as lazy. Where is your outrage butler?

it's just a bit higher. you might need some telephone books.
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