Totally forgot these were coming and the box sat in my mail box for a night and then on my dining room table until I saw it last night.
Travis, THANK YOU very much for the samples. I had also totally forgot about the Harolds Club cards. My grandpas name is Harold and I want to get a few Harolds Club things, I really appreciate these.
Also, the surprise gift, you are awesome brother!! Ask my wife, I was smiling ear to ear at how thoughtful it was. Very cool and it is going to sit in my Broncos room with all my other stuff. Picture incoming later tonight with the "Bronco" 5k and the ball.
Seriously, you're a real good dude and I appreciate it very much. I might be driving down to Scottsdale later in the summer, I'm going the coast route one way and vegas the other, I would LOVE to meet for dinner or a drink or something on my way through and catch up on life after high school/college if you are down.
Thanks again, love the chips, love the bonus items more though. (ok, maybe they are all tied, but the other two things are very cool.