Is this still going on? Christ, honestly? do you know why I walked away from this discussion? News flash. because even if you tell the truth about certain people, they still act royally butthurt about it.
I see this kind of crap every day on Facebook. Yet I left a good 24 hours ago
Thanks for proving my point. Bye bye....
Well, I responded to the first PCF notification I received that included your post. We have been traveling since about 3pm yesterday, and are just getting settled in at home again. That pretty much covers your 24 hours -- not everyone spends all day crouching over their keyboards and waiting for your next love letter.
I'm a former genetic republican, Goldwater and Nixon supporter, and current registered independent. So I'm not sure what point has been proven.
But you just go on your merry way, Steve (if that's your name), spouting your cliches and your oh-so objective (and very much "holier than thou" -- isn't that ironic?) assertions, like "most of them define the party." I'm guessing that beyond the generality of Las Vegas, your home address is somewhere in Area 51...