Canceled SB chips/sets (1 Viewer)

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Dec 6, 2016
Reaction score
BC Canada
Rating - 100%
37   0   0
I wasn't planning on selling these right now but I totaled my car the other day so I guess now I will. Not absolutely dying for the money but I was thinking about selling stuff anyways.

Alternate cash set:

100 x $20s
200 x $100s
200 x $500s

$3600 + shipping

Tourney set. Either this small set:

100 x T25
100 x T100
60 x T500
40 x T1000

For $2400 + shipping

Or if someone wants more T1000s I could sell all of these:

220 x T25
220 x T100
120 x T500
140 x T1000

For $5600 + shipping

Option: 140 x T5k
Option: 100 80 x T25k


I never got the chips in play.

I'm unaware of payment options besides Paypal that work internationally. PP F&F or e-transfer preferred for Canadians.

I'm aware of some members disappearing with people's money without shipping for a while or at all. I usually take at least a couple days to get an order out just so everyone knows. Will be busy looking for another car and such too, so could be a bit longer. I will communicate.

Would probably consider trades for some GCOPs (rack of T1000s + a rack of T100s if I get the T1000s. Could do some higher denoms as well, maybe others).



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Really? Who?

I was mostly talking about things that happened in the past. I think there was a French account that actually took people's money without shipping but has since been banned/closed. Any other cases I think were sorted out eventually.
Beautiful chips @Frank! So sorry to hear about your car. I second @gkitt80 in hoping that everyone is okay after the accident.

Yes I am fine. More embarrassed and upset than anything. I wouldn't trust any non-chipper to ship chips out if I weren't able to!

In true scrub donkey fashion I don't think any of my clay chip sets were worth less than my car, but that might say more about the old vehicle I had lol. It had to go eventually.
C'mon, you know you want 'em all....... :sneaky: :whistle: :whistling:


I don't have them yet but I've made arrangements to acquire another big set. Will already have 4+ racks of T25s and nearly 4 racks of T100s. If I had none I surely would. Only really short on T1000s tbh but I would consider half-ish of yours.

Maybe it won't work out but let me know if you have any particular chips you're interested in. I have an interested party in buying my cash set.
Oy, that sucks. Good luck with the car hunt. And thanks again for the sale. I can vouch for your mad packing skills. Chips that arrived today could not possibly have been more safely packed up.
Cash set is sold as well as one barrel of T25k. Not sure what or if I want to split off any more tourney chips but if I did the majority of them would be $180/barrel + shipping. Don't ask about the T1ks, they're pretty much impossible to split off separately.
I've thought this over and cancelling the sale. My intention was never to sell these shortly after buying them and not even putting them in play! Finances were slightly alarming and chips aren't getting much use around here but I'll give them another shot. Some really nice chips in the lineup.

If I decide to trim some small amounts off I'll post a new ad. Maybe a barrel or rack each of T25s/T100s, preferably together.

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