Oh yes, if people here could agree on what colors / what mold to put the money on. Everybody has their own wish list. I have mine at least. No guarantee for success, of course, in such a venture.
Donkey mold & blaze orange/real canary yellow/sky blue
Joe was always awesome to work with, and I wish him luck. If the mold sells, I hope it goes to someone who knows what they're getting into. There's quite a bit involved after you have the mold.
You can buy a canvas and paint, but that doesn't make you an artist.
I agree on the fact that he was great to work with and was the only one that wanted to produce the first & second plaque & DB group buys.
He was a bit special, organisation & communications not his forté and you had to take some statements with a grain of salt...
But to be honest...during the first PCA GB one of the DB artworks still contained a watermark and were printed like that.
That was an error by the designer but Joe ponied up, remade those for free (+70 buttons) and flogged the bad ones for cheap...
I do wish him the best too, did not get any reply on my last messages to him.
Ps. glad to see you posting again amigo, sending good vibes in these difficult times
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