Sooooo..... upon returning to the Poker Chip world I have been taken back by the price of poker chips. I honestly had no idea my chips had skyrocketed in value to this degree. Long story short, I have around $15k in poker chips and its quite obvious many here dwarf that figure. What I want to know is does your wife know?? LMFAO....yes in all seriousness I have told my wife if something should happen to me don't sell these at a garage sell for $100 bucks! LoL! Which has me thinking even more about putting together something that if something would happen to me how to go about selling them. I have 3 sons and they could possibly keep them but you know...just to have plans in place. This also has has me thinking about insurance. We have had separate insurance on my wife's wedding ring which was only about half of that when we got married. I'm pretty certain if they were stolen or lost in a fire that you would most likely be $hit outta luck. Does anyone else think about this stuff???