Well, I’m starting to think either I have the worst luck possible OR I just suck at poker...
I was up & down all night, mostly down playing 1/3NL. I’m the BB, I’ve got $300 in my stack, I’m dealt AKd, everybody limps in so when it gets back to me, I bet $20 & 2 players call so 3 of us to the flop. The flop is T34d, I bet $25, the guy immediately to my left calls & the guy 2 spots over comes over the top all in for $145. I call & the guy to my left raises all in for just over $500. Since I’ve got the nut flush & the board hasn’t paired, I call. So we’re 3 way all in before the turn, the first guy that went all in has KK & the second guy has J4 off which really surprised me he called the first bet, much less went all in with that. Well, He went runner runner 44 & won it all.
Almost every hand I had tonight went that way, even when I had a good hand, somehow a guy would connect with shit cards & beat me. I even got beat tonight with the worst hand in poker, I had pocket Aces & got beat by 72 off. I’m starting to wonder why I even play this game lol.