SOLD Small Limit Set - Isle Chipcos (1 Viewer)

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240 in case it's still in time. My last bid was $5 over the previous valid bid. My invalid bid wouldn't have counted, I wouldn't think?
either way... it's good fun

in all seriousness, i only need the 1ks and like 4 or 5 racks of the 100s... if you want the rest we can work something out and i know Kifer has enough to complete the set
I’m not on my computer. Can someone mouse over Broskis 225 bid and state the time?

And then mouse over demonics 230 bid and share the time?

That determines whether the auction continues. The 226 bid is irrelevant because it wasn’t a valid bid (which means 230 is a valid bid if it’s within the time).
So broski won because the auction ends at 904cst according to the rules of the auction.

  1. If the close time is 3:00pm, and a bid is placed at 2:56pm, the auction now closes at 3:01pm.
  2. Bids at the close time are not valid bids.
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