Canceled Summer of Lead (RHC, THC & more) (1 Viewer)

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Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Rating - 100%
107   0   0
Opened up the vault to raise some funds for a family vacation, these are extras or incomplete projects. All chips are leaded and 39mm (except Lot 6).
Whatever does not sell, will go to auction by the end of August. Shipping is not included and will be calculated after. PPFF, Venmo & Zelle preferred.
Post interest or dibs, and then follow up with a PM. Thank you!

This chips made me really happy and I trust they will have the same effect to the new owners. Enjoy :)

Lot 1: Casino Aztar Indiana $5 (Primary) x 200 [$200]
- Leaded RHC Paulson chips
- Ultrasonically cleaned and lightly oiled
- Not really looking to split but if you want to split then it will be $1.25/chip

Lot 2: Casino Aztar Indiana $25 (Secondary) x 299 [$400]
- Leaded RHC Paulson chips
- Shaped Inlay!
- Ultrasonically cleaned and lightly oiled
- Split pricing is $1.50/chip

Lot 4: Majestic Star $500 x 100 [$250]
- Leaded RHC Paulson chips
- Cleaned and lightly oiled
- Shaped Inlay!
- Cherry picked and these are some of the sharpest of the kind I have come across.
- ALL Red Denoms (meaning the $500s with the most led and bricky feel to them)

Lot 5: PCA $5 x 300 [$3000]
- Leaded THC Paulson chips
- Textured, shaped inlay. Yeah, these chips are god-tier!
- Excellent condition!
- Split pricing $1100/rack

Lot 6: Choctaw Hotstamp Fracs (Old pic) [$300]
- Blaze orange
- Beautiful in person
- Live chips from Durant, Oklahoma
- Cherry picked (Excellent condition)

Lot 7: Incomplete PCA set [$800]
- $1 x 300 (Leaded RHC chips), probably some of the heaviest $1 Paulson chips I have played with. Absolute bricks. So fun!
- $0.25 x 100 Hot Stamp Chips for PCA set (Leaded WTHC chips?)
- I don’t know if the fracs (WTHC mold) chips are leaded but they are quite heavy as well and I think they might be leaded or have some heavy metals in them.
- Buy this lot and you can even mix and match with some of the lots above to get a nice leaded Paulson set for a reasonable price.
- The buyer of this lot will also have the option to buy these chips from @Okku as an option for $5s.
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Enjoy my friends,
- V


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Lot 5 is gonna be paying for the majority of the trip lol. I am not claiming this lot btw just making an observation
Definitely looking to procure 10 of those Aztar $25's iff possible... PM incoming
Lot 5 and Lot 7 SOLD. The other lots have had their prices adjusted, and will stick around for a while before making their way to auction.
Thank you :)
- V
Lot 3 removed for a different thread, and bumping the remaining lots before auction time
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