Canceled Sunfly 39mm and 43mm hybrid travel samples (1 Viewer)

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sending them to @warma
Received. Thanks @ArielVer18.

Anyone else interested, before I return them home?

Will snap some photos showing their condition and hit some observations shortly.
Thoughts after a few hours, from someone who does not have 10,000 hours fondling all chip varieties.

Handling 43m and 39mm chips is a bad idea. The 39mm seem baby small against the 43mm. Crazy.

The high gloss edge of the SunFlys was noticeable (right two), especially against @SeanGecko cards mold chips added to the set (the others on the left). The SunFly chips have an almost rubbery feel, which is odd, and I prefer the look & feel of the Alibaba vendor. I should have jumped on the group buy. My bad.

The inlay labels are really shiny and glossy. I would like the Polyinnos to have a different inlay. I prefer the Polyclays. Oh- the laser stickers are unreadable. Not worth it.

The chips are showing dirt along the edges- not sure how much of that is from this cross-country extravaganza. A bit of soap got most, but not all off. As they aren’t mine, I’m hesitant to really try anything.

The biggest twitch for me was the misalignment on the edges. I was surprised by this and see why their Ascona chips dont have edge spots. It isn’t obvious, and unless you’re looking for it, you may miss it, but now that I’ve seen it, it’s hard to unsee (yellow arrows).

You can also see the injection points (blue arrows). More grime (green arrow).

One last observation: one edge of the chip is flat, the other has a small 45degree edge to it. I think that helps make the misaligned edges more visible.

I was super excited based on reviews from experienced chippers and was ready to place an order sight unseen. Now, not so much.

Are they a great chip? Not as amazing as expected. Are they a great value? Yes. The Alibaba vendor probably more so. The injection point and small notch are present on those chips as well, but the Alibaba edge alignment is better and probably less obvious because misalignment in the “clay” pattern seen here mimics spot errors.

Verdict? I regret not jumping on the group buy. If @BGinGA comes through with a custom mold for the PollyInno that addresses the shiny edge and can get a less glossy inlay, I might jump aboard. But as of now, I’m rethinking my approach.

Shipping these out on Monday. If there are no other takers, back home they go.
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