Swastika chips? (1 Viewer)

Same with the Hitler mustache. People used to use that style a lot. Now it's considered offensive because of the obvious visual relationship.

Hitler and his Nazi party ruined a lot of stuff... Other than the obvious.

That wonderful resource, Wikipedia, indicates that the 'Hitler' mustache originated in America in the late 19th century. Hitler, Chaplin and Oliver Hardy all had them.
That wonderful resource, Wikipedia, indicates that the 'Hitler' mustache originated in America in the late 19th century. Hitler, Chaplin and Oliver Hardy all had them.
America: Mustache Innovation at its Finest (y) :thumbsup:
I've got a buddy who's last name is Chaplin, I'll let him know he ranks the highest on the Hitler mustache scale! Lol
Sorry my bad. It goes Jordan>Chaplin>Hardy>Hitler

Same with the Hitler mustache. People used to use that style a lot. Now it's considered offensive because of the obvious visual relationship.

Hitler and his Nazi party ruined a lot of stuff... Other than the obvious.

Bunker in Berlin, c1939
Hitler: Vot shall vee ruin today?
Mrs Hitler: How about those funny swastikas, dear?
Hitler: Nein, Nein, Dummkopf! Vee hav alvedy buggered up ze svastikas. No von else vill touch them mit die ten foot barge polen.
Mrs Hitler: That's a shame, dear. How about mustaches?
Hitler: Mein Gott! Genius! I shall fuck up zer Charlie ze Chaplin, his movies are only black unt vite shitzen anyway.
Mrs Hitler: Lovely dear. Anything else?
Hitler: Ja. I voz thinking of maybe making zer Paulson Poker chips cease vit zer home consumer market.
Mrs Hitler: Is that wise, dear?
Hitler: Ach, I don't know. I am not ein monster, after all.
I was going to chime in about it being a Hindu symbol but was beat to the punch.
If only that Austrian art school would have taken in youngf adolphe..... He may not have become such a dick head.

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