For Sale The Boulevard (1 Viewer)

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Hi I'm new, from what I understand you made these chips yourself? Are there any more floating around incase I need more chips?
@Herman Pu , welcome!!

Yes, these are custom chips made by CPC, the best (and only) place to get quality custom "clay" chips. These are all that is in the "set", the others out there were sold as "sample sets" (one of each denomination) to members (and maybe others, friends/family?) like the set I have on my wall. :D

With buying the chips you do get half ownership of the design with the designer so you could add on at anytime.
Sorry I new to chip collecting and this forum. Are prices negotiable? Like if I offered you $500


You can offer whatever you want. A lot of us often "attempt" to negotiate with the prices. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.


btw, I don't think these will go for 500. Never hurts to ask.
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