Royal Flush
Glad you finally got them! Enjoy!!Long overdue post, lots of boxes piled up in the hallway over the past two weeks. The wife wants us to be *extra* careful about bringing any new items into the apartment since things have been bad here in Brooklyn, understandably so. Anyway... makes for a better post I hope!
The carnage:
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Let's start with some solid's that @justincarothers hooked me up with and that I'm looking forward to cleaning up and getting ready for a new project:
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Three racks, mostly Starbursts, very sharp edges, thanks again Justin!
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Next, some very sexy Lilac (future T500) solids that @Finest dropped off for me in person:
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These look great next to the two racks of peaches (I guess really Salmon's) that I got from @baldwinning a few weeks back (posting a reminder photo for those that missed these beautiful mint condition chippies):
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Next up, @Ben8257 and @FordPickup92 came through for me big time, agreeing to a trade of some of my 2005 CDI's for 98' CDI's which really helped me take the next step in putting together a full set:
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Got a few singles off of eBay in the mail too... seems like a fool's errand getting into single's collecting but right now I can't help it:
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Speaking of single's, what the do with the ~100 single's that I've bought so far? @ReallyGoodUsername put me on JP's Corner and I ordered a few hundred Silver Eagle holders seeing as this appetite for single's isn't going anywhere anytime soon:
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And finally, if I'm going to make sure my singles are safely stored, I need to do the same for all of the random Paulson racks that are spread out in our living room right now (much to my wife's dismay - again, understandable). Special shoutout to @rjdev7 for biking over to meet me halfway and drop off this cool foam case + 20 Bud Jones boxes, they fit perfectly:
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OK that's all I got (for now)... but have a special package coming in from overseas sometime next week that I'm excited about, stay tuned!
Also, we need to talk about this....