Royal Flush
I absolutely agree, they are your chips!! Every person here works hard for their money... maybe I worded it incorrectly @GianThaMan I wasn't picking on you sir, this happens all the time. But remember the good chips are out there, there are members that never post that just watch and observe with closets full of , most chippers I have met are above average intelligence, they don't forget!!My take is that anyone can do to their chips as they please, but consideration be taken on a case by case basis, especially if there is a lot of history with the chips themselves or affiliated casinos. You all do you when it comes to chips.
Someone should mill a single Lakeshore chip just to give @ReallyGoodUsername an aneurysm.![]()
Publicly posting about milling rare chips could easily turn into a pocket full of money and no one to buy chips from... it has happened before.
Beautiful score on the Money Tree $1s brother, you are correct that is amazing trade bait, I also agree finding mint leaded Blaze orange is far from easy. I apologize but many of us are drawn to the older chips!! Like me with my ugly bastard mustard yellows!! One rack enough??? Nahh gotta have two!! Lol
Without my known passion for the older chips that middle rack would have never been possible!
Fellow Chipper Ben