Brie was not the only one that came home to a new box with her name on it!
Seriously a dream coming true here guys! Ever since my first meetup 2 years ago meeting
@Irish for the first time, he was showing off some awesome chips and I asked "wait what the hell is that?" He had a 48mm fat hat Palms buy in chip and let me check it out. I have been obsessed with the giant chips ever since.
As you are all aware I was crushed when I missed out on the recent Cghip Room sale as we were busy that weekend and missed the last minute addition of the playable Fat Hat chips. Keep your fingers crossed and dreams alive and you never know when a golden opportunity will present it self.
@upNdown I can not thank you enough my friend for not only the opportunity to buy what I missed out on but also "At cost" literally AND also including the awesome racks that fit them with zero additional cost! Bomb proof packing and allowing me extra time to find the funds. This is exactly the type of transaction that we all dream of! Seriously can't believe it! Time to design the 2k and 10k plaques and can't wait to get this thing playable and in the felt!!
@Tommy seriously thank you so much for the new stickers, promise we will find a way to use them wisely and well displayed by friend!
@Irish for the absolutely free AC trump plaza chips (exchanged in person but still mail)
@fish72s for the Tnagiers sample,
@detroitdad for the awesome sample sets below cost because you are just that freaking awesome, and
@arch3r that we finally after 16 months got to exchange or piles of holdings for each other... covid sucks but still made for an awesome mail weekend!!