I already teased this in my
wanted thread but it also belongs here. I made great progress on my quest to a Palomar Set and these beauties just arrived in Germany! They still need a bath and some oil but more on that later.
Special thanks to
@DrStrange who hooked me up with most of these. But also special thanks to all of the other members who let me buy their Palomars, your sacrifice to the cause will not be forgotten, I promise
And most importantly,
@arch3r without whom this whole project just wouldn't be possible! Great guy, sending you lots of good chipping karma!
The unboxing was lead by our youngest member
@OfficerLovejoy s son who did a tremendous job on getting everything out of the boxes. We are currently in training phase 1 where the goal is to ignite the chipping spark. To ensure his passion is not shortlived we need YOUR CHIPS (especially Palomars!
) Just shoot me as PM.
Only after Angelos son successfully completed the quality control we where able to get a family picture:
Quality control almost completed:
Family picture:
Splash pot:
Needless to say, I'm beyond stoked! If you want to be part of the journey and get regular updates, follow my wanted thread. I will post condition updates and exact numbers there. Maybe you have a Palomar that you don't need?
PS: Some are still en route, stay tuned for updates!
Your fellow German chipper!