Straight Flush
We all have our crosses to bear... 

It's not just you. Many people are put off by the smell.
@p5woody ... Clear your calendar Gonna need your BJ-to-Sunfly expertise!
Also, maybe check the diameter? Are the new ones on the right wider? Maybe squished?
I think you need nice carpet. Will protect wooden
A large package from France reached me today![]()
I was going to grab them for you lol...
Pics of the Colon Orange?
So are we going down again starting at 205?
Getting it at a shallow angle (i.e. with the tip of the blade as parallel as possible to the label edge) seemed best.
Until I got the technique down, I did do some damage
First HHJP will end at 11 or with quad 10s or better. They will get to pick which prize they want.
If there’s still room - I’d be happy to lose some monies to you chip veterans. Likely wouldn’t be able to get there in time for dinner, but certainly for cards. Let me know.
A whole night of sohe would be interesting.
I don't want to play an entire night of any one game. I need a variety
@BarrieJ3 shut the fuck up you were supposed to leave on day one when you said you were out.
Loose is good!!
Just gotta get it in there
I'm balls deep
Oh I'd take that Bush
Would love to have you over in my concrete dungeon.
hope they find the dick.
it was all over in 40 seconds
Sometimes I get so excited to eat I forget to take a picture
in if still open
damn....I was this close.
I'm still BEHIND the donkey
they stiffened it up significantly.
it is less of a mouthful