For Sale The Post (Quarters) (1 Viewer)

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4 of a Kind
Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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Hi there,

Because I've finished my mixed cash game set and don't need these chips anymore, I'm selling a rack of quarters (25c) from closed cardroom "The Post". These chips are Christy & Jones (Hat & Cane mold).

This club was situated 152 Post Street in San Jose (CA). This club stayed opened less than 1 year (in 1972).

The chips go from VGC to Mint which is quite exceptional for hotstamped chips from this time, with that low denominations.

More information about Christy & Jones chips can be found ici.

Price : 150 EUR (Shipping and Paypal out)

NB : I'm a fan of those small California Cardrooms which popped up here and there in the Golden state. I really want to preserve their legacy. So I only want to sell this small piece of California Poker history for what it is and don't want to sell it for a relabel project.

ThePostRack.jpg ThePostRackPile.jpg ThePostRackFace.jpg
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@AfterTheFact if you ever decide to dump them, let me know. Let me know if sale falls through on these for sale. Looking for the post quarter, five, and twenty
I was going to buy these to put labels on 'em. But - If @BiGGyT wants them to build a set, I'd rather he had them. That-being-said... If you come across some crystal park fracs, though; please keep l'il 'ol me in mind.
The current asking price is a bit high for me, if you are willing to pay the asking price @Crepcheck then by all means enjoy. If the sale fell through, I was going to offer closer to the $1 price spinetti sold them to me for. I think between shipping and euro conversation, it is about $2/ chip. I bought 199 "AM" hot stamped quarters that match closely, so I don't have to have them.
Since the potential seller explained me it was for a relabel project, I decided to cancel the sale and added a note in the ad.

I'm sorry that I haven't specified this earlier.
I wish the buyer who contacted me to find the chips he needs for his relabel project.
@BiGGyT : I also bought some The Post $5 to @Gear who I can recommend.

I think he still has few barrels. Maybe check with him if he could sell you some.
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