If or when the stock market, banking system, economy or all 3 shit the bed 95-99% of us will all be in the same predicament. No use in stressing over it.
Land, family, friends, supplies and the skills necessary to bug in vs bug out if things get really bad is probably a safe investment no matter what happens or doesn't happen in our lifetimes.
More importantly make the most of each day. Don't work it away. I'm in my early 40's and see family, friends and neighbors dropping like flies. My hope is that I can see 50 but wouldn't be surprised if I didn't.
I do know that overall I made the most of my time here. I accomplished some pretty darn cool things and did my best to teach those around me same.
Most say they don't understand how my life style is possible. It's a life choice. Just like many homeless people given money or a chance still go right back to being homeless without a pot to piss in. I have friends that borrow for everything, don't work hard and rarely if ever work overtime. One of them once told me it didn't matter if he made $30k or $300k a year that he will always be broke. He and his wife unwilling to manage their spending habits.
My dad and step mom are the same way. They made amazing money most of their lives but eat out most meals and spend money like water. They both recently retired and are going on 8 cruises this year. They went on 6 last year yet had to take a loan out for a mediocre car when theirs was having issues. They don't own anything or have any significant savings never living within their means. They've always rented huge fancy houses to show off to the rest of my step moms well to do family. They are happy tho and as long as their health holds up that's all that matters.
I guess I'm the polar opposite and thats possibly some of the motivational factor to be. I bounced around living with friends during high school. Moved to my own place at 18, bought my first house at 20. Got married, worked my butt off to keep her home with the kids for 13 years and spoiled rotten.
Now kids are older, Wife has a reasonably paying career she enjoys with acceptable benefits. I now work part time 28-30 hours a week vs the 60-80 I used to work and spend time with family, projects or whatever I want. I wish I only worked 2 days a week instead of 3. There's so much to do and see besides working. I could be working full time and be putting boatloads into retirement or have a fancier house but realized all the time with my kids I missed when they were younger was only worth it because my wife was there. Now it's my turn and if I don't live to see 50 I know that I lived a pretty darn good life and hopefully taught my family to do the same after I'm gone.