I’m not retracting my dibs on a barrel of $25k sec…but I’ve been spending like a drunken sailor. So, someone please buy this rack so I don’t get bust by my wife.Still selling everything by the rack.
Buying a rack takes precedence over those who dibs barrels.
But if you only need a barrel or two, feel free to Dibs and I'll put you on the list in the OP. The barrel dibs are finalized when all 5 sell.
Would you sell 1 chip? GLWS
Fair, I just want to look at it ha. If anyone who pulls the trigger can spare a chip, holler at your boyIf you can find people who want the other 19 chips from the barrel, sure.
Shipping might not make it worth it, but I don't mind splitting down to the chip if it comes to that.