SOLD Tiger Palace $25000 secondary cash. TP 25k. 43mm (2 Viewers)

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Part of the sale of these chip will go to Nanook to murder more chips, so I can make more chips. In other words, you would just be feeding a vicious cycle.
Still selling everything by the rack.
Buying a rack takes precedence over those who dibs barrels.

But if you only need a barrel or two, feel free to Dibs and I'll put you on the list in the OP. The barrel dibs are finalized when all 5 sell.
Still selling everything by the rack.
Buying a rack takes precedence over those who dibs barrels.

But if you only need a barrel or two, feel free to Dibs and I'll put you on the list in the OP. The barrel dibs are finalized when all 5 sell.
I’m not retracting my dibs on a barrel of $25k sec…but I’ve been spending like a drunken sailor. So, someone please buy this rack so I don’t get bust by my wife.

I got her a vacuum cleaner for Christmas…and yarn. She’s gunna start asking questions, and that would be very bad.

Very bad.
Forget full racks.

Now on sale by the barrel... regardless if the full rack sells or not.

Just dibs, pay and I'll ship.

International shipping is ok!
Just dibs, and send a PM with your address. I'll give you a shipping quote. No obligation to buy if the shipping quote doesn't meet your needs.
If you can find people who want the other 19 chips from the barrel, sure.

Shipping might not make it worth it, but I don't mind splitting down to the chip if it comes to that.
Fair, I just want to look at it ha. If anyone who pulls the trigger can spare a chip, holler at your boy
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