Tiger Palace FAQ (1 Viewer)

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Full House
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Dec 8, 2015
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New Tiger Palace sets, additional racks, barrels and sample sets are now available at


And you should always ask to see if we have a particular chip in inventory,
via PM on PCF or emailing us using the contact page on our new site.

Ten sets of Tiger Palace chips were produced in two separate orders in 2022. Four of these sets were part of the initial sales in 2023: Hot Stamp Tournament set consisting of 10 chips; Primary and Secondary Cash sets, each with 12 denominations, and an 8-chip 'set' of 4TSA18, aka 'bear claws', with an NCVs inlay. A special 48mm Dealer Button rounded out the offering (all 42 chips + DB were also offered as a sample set).

Four more sets will be offered for sale in 2024: VIP Cash set #1 and #2, each consists of 8 chips; an all-43mm Secondary Tournament set (10 chips) that includes a very limited number of T5s, one of very few 43mm red chips available in the marketplace, and an all 48mm Buy-in set that consists of 6 chips form 100BI-25,000BI.

Additionally a Hot Stamp cash set as well as a limited quantity Tri-moon set was produced for Tiger Palace Casino. Lastly, there are several chips that were added to the mix: a 4V418 Orchid $500, 2 x $25,000 and 2x $100,000 chips, as well as a replacement for the original T500 chip in the 43mm set.

A few other factoids:
  • All TP $5K and above chips have embedded UV security feature
  • The Hot Stamp cash set are the only chips not included in any sample set sales
  • There were 88 colors in GPI's 2021/2022 sample set
  • The 2021/2022 GPI/Paulson catalog had 47 styles and continued the recent trend of eliminating some complex and much coveted patterns, including style #18, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 35.
  • Tiger Palace was able to resurrect patterns 3TA14, 4TA316 and 4TSA18 for this production run

Here are the links to the PCF database (will update when the PCF DB/pictures are posted by @Tommy)

Links to other Tiger Palace Threads:

Details of colors and spot patterns can be found in tables below:

Tiger Palace Primary Tournament Hot Stamp Set
Tournament Primary - Splash 4.jpg

Tournament - Primary Tournament Hot Stamp Set
NCV39mmStyle #15Arc YellowBlood Red, Pale Green
139mmStyle #15Sky BluePeach, Light Violet
539mmStyle #15Radiant RedCanary Yellow, Blurple
2539mmStyle #15Day GreenBlaze Orange, Petunia
10039mmStyle #15BlackHot Pink, Butter Scotch
50039mmStyle #15FuschiaSherbet Green, Horizon Blue
100039mmStyle #15Canary YellowSea Green, Arc Yellow
500039mmStyle #15Blaze OrangeHawaii Flower, Indian Blue
2500039mmStyle #15Blue GrainMexican Rose, Peach
10000039mmStyle #15WhiteLime Green, Hot Pink

Tiger Palace Primary Cash Set
TP - Primary Cash 4.jpg

Tiger Palace Primary Cash Set
$0.2539mmStyle #23Canary YellowBlaze Orange, Day Blue
$0.5039mmStyle #14PeachPetunia, Yellow
$139mmStyle #16WhiteSea Green, Mexican Rose
$239mmStyle #20Mexican RoseHawaii Flower, Pale Green
$539mmStyle #27Royal RedRadiant Red, Canary Yellow, Sherbet Green
$2039mmStyle #25Arc YellowDay Green, Horizon Blue
$2539mmStyle #30Day GreenPeach, Almond, Lt Violet
$10039mmStyle #31BlackArc Yellow, Pale Green, Hot Pink
$50039mmStyle #21LilacSherbet Green, Peach
$1,00039mmStyle #22Blaze OrangeSky Blue, Yellow, Hawaii Flower
$5,00039mmStyle #28AlmondMauve, Arc Yellow, Light Violet
$25,00043mmStyle #31AquaRadiant Red, White, Pastel Green

Tiger Palace Secondary Cash Set
Cash - Secondary SPL4.jpg

Tiger Palace Secondary Cash Set
$0.2539mmStyle #6Radiant RedPink, Light Violet, Almond
$0.5039mmStyle #14Sherbet GreenPeach, Mauve
$139mmStyle #16Blue GrainBlaze Orange, Sky Blue
$239mmStyle #27OrchidHawaii Flower, Mauve, Hot Pink
$539mmStyle #28Canary YellowMexican Rose, Sherbet Green, Peach
$2039mmStyle #31RussetDay Green, Arc Yellow, Fuschia
$2539mmStyle #31BlurpleBlaze Orange, Lilac, Indian Blue
$10039mmStyle #22WhiteSalmon, Butter Scotch, Dolphin Blue
$50039mmStyle #30Blaze OrangeLight Violet, Daisy, Sea Green
$1,00039mmStyle #34GoldArc Yellow, Day Green
$5,00039mmStyle #20Hawaii FlowerMexican Rose, Plum
$25,00043mmStyle #28Metallic SilverCanary Yellow, Indian Blue, Watermelon

Tiger Palace 4TSA18 NCV
Bear Claw NCV - Splash 2.jpg

Tiger Palace 4TSA18 NCV Set
NCV39mmStyle #31Canary YellowSherbet Green, Arc Yellow, Mexican Rose
NCV39mmStyle #31WhiteDay Blue, Hot Pink, Hawaii Flower
NCV39mmStyle #31AquaHot Pink, Sherbet Green, Arc Yellow
NCV39mmStyle #31Royal RedPink, Pale Green, Peach
NCV39mmStyle #31BlackPeach, Lime Green, Mexican Rose
NCV39mmStyle #31Day GreenBlaze Orange, Light Violet, Canary Yellow
NCV43mmStyle #31Blaze OrangeSherbet Green, Peach, Dolphin Blue
NCV43mmStyle #31CharcoalPeach, Pale Green, Canary Yellow

Tiger Palace Hot Stamp Cash Set

Tiger Palace Hot Stamp Cash Set
$0.5039mmStyle #6Mexican RosePink, Light Violet, Peach
$139mmStyle #31Sherbet GreenBlaze Orange, White, Butterscotch
$539mmStyle #28Arc YellowSky Blue, Hot Pink, Canary Yellow
$2539mmStyle #22OrchidMexican Rose, Blurple, Pale Green
$10039mmStyle #20WhiteCanary Yellow, Salmon
$50039mmStyle #30Day BlueLight Violet, Blue Grain, Plum
$1,00043mmStyle #31RussetArc Yellow, Day Green, Blaze Orange
$5,00043mmStyle #28Metalic SilverYellow, Petunia (middle), Radiant Red

Tiger Palace Secondary Tournament Set (43mm)

Tiger Palace Secondary Tournament Set (43mm)
543mmStyle #27CarnationBlurple, Indian Blue, Peach
2543mmStyle #16Sherbet GreenFuschia, Canary Yellow
10043mmStyle #31BlackMexican Rose, Butter Scotch, Day Green
50043mmStyle #13OrchidSkye Blue, Salmon
100043mmStyle #30Arc YellowHawaii Flower, Blaze Orange, Sherbet Green
500043mmStyle #20Mexican RoseApricot, Russet
2500043mmStyle #28Pale GreenCanary Yellow, Ocean Blue, Red
10000043mmStyle #21WhiteBlaze Orange, Blurple

Tiger Palace Secondary VIP1 Cash Set

Tiger Palace VIP1 Cash Set
$0.2539mmStyle #9PinkMetallic Silver, Hot Pink
$139mmStyle #27WhiteSherbet Green, Mauve, Arc Yellow
$539mmStyle #25Royal RedPeach, Day Blue
$2539mmStyle #31Indian BlueHawaii Flower, Canary Yellow, Salmon
$10039mmStyle #28BlackMexican Rose, Daisy, Aqua
$50043mmStyle #16Light VioletBlurple, Sherbet Green
$1,00043mmStyle #27Blaze OrangeAlmond, Hot Pink, Sea Green
$5,00043mmStyle #30Canary YellowRadiant Red, Petunia, Mint Green

Tiger Palace Secondary VIP2 Cash Set

Tiger Palace VIP2 Cash Set
$0.2539mmStyle #36OrchidCanary Yellow, Blurple, Mexican Rose
$139mmStyle #27Sky BlueSalmon, Horizon Blue, Sherbet Orange
$539mmStyle #31Blaze OrangeAqua, Peach, Lime Green
$2539mmStyle #20AvocadoArc Yellow, Sherbet Green
$10039mmStyle #30BlackRadiant Red, Canary Yellow, Petunia
$50039mmStyle #19Light VioletMetallic Gold, Hot Pink
$1,00043mmStyle #22YellowArc Yellow, Sky Blue
$5,00043mmStyle #28WhiteMauve, Pale Green, Mexican Rose

Tiger Palace 48mm 'Fat Hat' 'Buy-in' Set​

Tiger Palace 48mm 'Fat Hat' Buy-in Set
100 BI48mmStyle #28WhiteBlaze Orange, Petunia, Canary Yellow
500 BI48mmStyle #20LilacSherbet Green, Blurple
1000 BI48mmStyle #27Arc YellowFuschia, Horizon Blue, Day Green
5000 BI48mmStyle #16Blue GrainSky Blue, Radiant Red
10,000 BI48mmStyle #5Mexican RoseHawaii Flower, Peach, Pale Green
25,000 BI48mmStyle #20Canary YellowBlaze Orange, Sky Blue

Tiger Palace 48mm 'Fat Hat' 'Buy-in' Set

Tiger Palace Tri-moon Set
$2539mmStyle #6Sherbet GreenBlurple, Plum, Arc Yellow
$10039mmStyle #6BlackRoyal Red, White, Peach
$1,00039mmStyle #6Blaze OrangeBlue Grain, Butter Scotch, Canary Yellow

Tiger Palace Misc/add-on Chips
50043mmStyle #13LilacBlue Grain, Salmon
$50039mmStyle #22OrchidHot Pink, Sherbet Green, Arc Yellow
$25,00043mmStyle #22GoldArc Yellow, Day Green
$25,00043mmStyle #30Showboat GreySherbet Green, Apricot, Sea Green
$100,00043mmStyle #31Sky BlueOcean Blue, Fuschia, Blurple
$100,00043mmStyle #21Hawaii FlowerRoyal Red, Lavendar
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