*those who believe in chip efficiency, shield your eyes*
So in order to get the cali denoms/colors I wanted, I maaay have ended up with more than I was initially planning to get, especially on the $5s (like a couple racks extra). Most games will likely be $0.50/$1, however I do want to be able to scale up to $2/$5 if I am able to get the right game going. Also since this is a grail set for me, will use for years and don’t want to look back and regret not getting ‘hard’ to find chips now which may be impossible in 5/10 years. I always prefer moar chips on the table vs shorter /easier to manage stacks anyway.
100 x $0.25 = $25
200 x $1 = $200
600 x $5 = $3,000
240 x $25 = $6,000
60 x $100 = $6,000
= 1,100 set = $15,225 Bank
Despite my best efforts, I’ve been unable to shake loose a barrel of the glorious alt-$500 orchid, would like for the bank on the off chance there’s a deep $2/$5. If I add a barrel of $500s,
20 x $500 = $10,000 = Total $25k bank
My favorite standalone Tiger is the $2 mexican rose, so thinking of relabeling this as a $500:
View attachment 1461810
And then I can rest…