As a participant in the original buy I a ineligible but if I may say, the buttons are Awesome and this giveaway is Awesome.

Hi @Blaster I will check Blue Angel Out. Thanks. I love her songs so I definitely need to check it out.@Nuhockey ,
Not sure if you know, before Cyndi Lauper was "Cyndi Lauper", she was in a group called Blue Angel , Circa 1979-1981 ..
They were kind of a new wave take on a Rock-a-Billy 50's influenced style. Original songs. Perhaps think of a high energy "Stray Cats", with a female lead and more instruments....
I saw them multiple times, in the NYC/NNJ area clubs at the time, she really belted out those songs, and Blue Angel remains one of the "Best" live concerts I have ever seen. Too bad they missed "MTV" by about a year or so...
If you don't already have the Blue Angel album, I highly recommend, if it's still avail ...
They got radio airplay in the NYC area, England, Germany, Mexico, and had some small/mild national success with "Maybe He'll know" the 2nd song below:
View attachment 837767
exception to is @BruceWayne who only has 3 Feedbacks, but he has been a member since January of 2020 and has 413 posts and 1,197 reactions.
@dmoney miracles do happen!Hi Gentlemen,
A winner was chosen tonight. Congratulations to
@SJFCPK18 for drawing the best 7 card stud hand with a Full House of 8’s over Queens. @arch3r had a shot as in his first 5 cardshe had two pair of tens and sixes but couldn’t get another 10. @ChipTalker was going for a flush with 4 hearts, but it wouldn’t of helped if his last card was a heart anyway. @detroitdad only had 7s.
Hi @SJFCPK18 send PM me please your address and I will let you know the shipping cost to you which most likely be a small flat rate box.
MikeView attachment 843990