Time for new pics of my Silver Dust Casino BCCs. Also several shots from the old CT thread would be very difficult to duplicate so some old pr0n is included here as well (ewww, old pr0n... (n) :thumbsdown
The Silver Dust BCCs were originally going to be the big do-all set (until the
TRK colors prompted the massive Cedar Room set). Later on I ordered a few new denoms ($2, $3, $10 and $25K) and secondaries for the $1 and $5.
Sadly out of 460 $3s ordered over 60 were warped or very bad spinners; I needed to pick out a few "best of the worst" I could live with to complete the fourth rack. With the secondary $5s I ordered 120 and they were even worse than the $3s, but I managed to get 40 that would work. Coincidentally I ended up with 460 quarters so it looks like the two barrels were planned to complete the fifth rack, but I'm just lucky it worked out that way. A bit OCD, I know. The $2s were another mess but I'll save that for the follow up "error chip" post.
Concerning the oversized chippies: the $5000 is supposed to be 50mm but it actually mic'd out at 49.50mm. The $25K was ordered later and came in at 50.74mm. I wish they were the same size but if they had to be slightly different I'm very glad the $5000 is smaller. If it were the other way around it would definitely tilt me. It's funny what dark places a chip addiction can take me to.
So enough typing--here's the pics!
I took this pic in Crystal, Colorado which inspired this set:
I like the short focal plane shot, in case it's not obvious.
Oooh, lighting flare. (y) :thumbsup:
The 50mm under/over:
New In Box, dry as the Mojave from whence they came
