Whether or not you like the resulting prices, it's not accurate to accuse a seller of 'gouging' or 'fleecing' for merely selling chips at prices people are willing to pay.
Market price = Price agreed to by a willing seller and a willing buyer.
Whether or not you like the resulting prices, it's not accurate to accuse a seller of 'gouging' or 'fleecing' for merely selling chips at prices people are willing to pay.
Many still share this sentiment, unfortunately there are many others who do not.
The pendulum has shifted now and all public sales are about maximizing your profits. Any friendly deals are being done behind closed doors. I encourage people to sell their chips for whatever they can get for them now. The next great buy that is apparently already in the works will only diminish those returns
Sounds like Something big is coming....I'd sure like to know what this is supposed to mean??? Is the buy so large that it is going to flood the market with Paulsons? As a recent buyer of boat chips, I find this statement really disturbing. I would have to say, the only thing that really bothers me about the private GPI purchases is the unfair information advantage these individuals have over the rest of the market.
They were just on the table in April, 2018! What I need are fewer sets, or more games!
I think he's talking about the "buy" Saleen and others are talking about in this very thread.
i like the idea, but i’m wondering how you convince a cardroom to go in on secure chips that will have thousands of the same chips in the wild? maybe i missed something? i admit i’ve only skimmed through the posts todayI would be willing to approach the owner of the Texas Cardhouse. I would be very transparent with our end goal but I think it better if we had artwork proof to show him.
Who among you cares to take a stab at reinventing their current design althewhile keeping the same name and logo that would not only appeal to him but to a wider but not huge audience? I'm thinking it best to keep numbers relatively smallish such that future orders have a better chance at getting approved. ....but my thinking may wrong. Just realized the logo has the suits in the shape of either a dragon or bat....bat would make sense since Austin has a huge bat colony downtown that has become a tourist attraction.
The brave person(s) should probably open up a separate design thread.
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PCFers would buy a secondary seti like the idea, but i’m wondering how you convince a cardroom to go in on secure chips that will have thousands of the same chips in the wild? maybe i missed something? i admit i’ve only skimmed through the posts today
doh! that makes sensePCFers would buy a secondary set
The next great buys thatisare apparently already in the works will only diminish those returns
Sorry Scott, but I've been around for a fair bit of time, and I think your post is a pretty short-sighted and incomplete viewpoint of 'now vs then'. There's a lot more to it than you have alluded.Chris I think you are mistaken. I am not sure how long you have been around, and it may be a strange concept for some of the new members to grasp, but it has not always been this way. Back in the days of chiptalk members were literally kicked off the site and excommunicated for flipping chips and gouging the market, and most often they were listing through eBay.
Then people started taking advantage of the low price chiproom sales where we were all given a fair opportunity to buy chips below market value. These people were also ostracized by the community and labeled as flippers
When the star buys happened it was really the first time so many people had the opportunity to sell chips at well above their purchase price. All of a sudden the community became a place of “hey I’m just selling for what people are willing to pay.
The pendulum has shifted now and all public sales are about maximizing your profits. Any friendly deals are being done behind closed doors. I encourage people to sell their chips for whatever they can get for them now. The next great buy that is apparently already in the works will only diminish those returns
So many fucking whiners and nancy's in this thread
She's got 'The Claw'
I am hoping the Jack casino chips get purchased and sold by a vendor as well.
Different designs for primary and secondary chip; the latter being soley for us.i like the idea, but i’m wondering how you convince a cardroom to go in on secure chips that will have thousands of the same chips in the wild? maybe i missed something? i admit i’ve only skimmed through the posts today
However, I agree with you that friendly deals do still exist, and most are now done privately. The backchannel market is still pretty active, and is artificially reminiscent of the days of old when most chippers were in it for the chips, not the money.
How does one get into the backchannel market? Are there hidden forums or PM/email?
Can I say how impressed and or disappointed I am that no one has posted pictures of their pets or babies in this thread yet? I like how it turned into the off-topic general discussion area, but is it even a proper derail without random pictures?
How does one get into the backchannel market? Are there hidden forums or PM/email?
How does one get into the backchannel market? Are there hidden forums or PM/email?
Be cool, participate, and ask nicely. I have dibs on some cool chips right now. I think I have to wait for the owner to die, but I've got that going for me, which is nice.How does one get into the backchannel market? Are there hidden forums or PM/email?
I'm a new member, and I might be wrong, but here's how I see it.
Step 1: Get an anus knife
Step 2: Attend all the PCF meat ups
Step 3:???
Step 4: glorious chips
You totally missed the opportunity to insert a rick-rolled video.You didn't know
I thought that was given to everyone in the pcf field manual during boot camp