Too many fracs?!? (1 Viewer)

So was playing 2/5 on a ship casino last week. Bought into the last game, 6 handed, the dealer gave us all $5’s and 25’s, no ones (fracs for all intents and purposes) at all on the table.
Just fine with us, no problem, it was a limpfrst so not a big deal.

After about 7-8 hands the dealer realized he wasn’t getting any tips with no $1’s on the table, lol. We had a few by then, from the rake, but not enough for anything.
He started making a lot of change for the small blind after he realized his mistake.
We play hybrid game. $50 buy in, blinds start 25c/50c. We rase blind every 45 min until we get to $1/$2.
To start, I use: 1 rack of 25c, 1 rack of 50c, one rack of $1 and $5 chips to complete the set. We consolidate chips after we get to $1/$2 blinds, getting rid of 25c and 50c and ending up with $1, $5 and even sometimes with $25 chips. After few rebuys table is well stacked but not overwhelmed. I love the colors on the table and I don't give a shit about what anyone thinks about it. My game My rules. ;)
My two cents (I apologize if this has been said before, I didn't scroll back through all three pages):

I've played in .05/.10 games where the ONLY thing .05 chips are used for are the blinds, in which case you only need like 10 at most in front of each player. When you're playing $1/2 or $5/10 or something, the $1 and $5 chips also tend to get used as tips or go towards the rake. So a barrel or two of them isn't bad to have per player.

I personally try to keep each player stack containing no more than about 200 chips when playing 7-9 handed. I've also found most guys color up if they have too many lower denoms in front of them.
A simple cash game rule of "fracs only play pre-flop as blinds or in all-in bets" fixes that nonsense easily. Our mantra is "Use your big chips, dummy."
We say the same thing. Efficiency...slows the game to wait for a $3.25 in all quarters bet.
.25/.50 - $125 max - one stack frac (.25), one stack dollar, one stack redbirds. People need chips to shuffle, give em a stack.

.50.50 - $200 max - one stack frac (.50), one stack dollar one stack redbird, other $70 in red/green combo

1:1 - $200 max - one stack dollar, rest in red

Why not hand more chips out? Getting 12 chips to play with in a cash game just feels shitty. It’s not a tournament. We’re chip nerds. Hand out some stacks. Shuffle a little. Play a little. Live a little.
Noob here and still taking in all the info for my next cash set for home games. Question regarding how many fracs, does putting less fracs in play change the betting behavior?

I hosted my first game with friends recently. We did 5c/10c blinds with starting stacks of 20x 0.05, 8x 0.25, 7x 1. Observed a bunch of nickel bets, with too few quarters IMO (should be the workhorses), and only a few pots with dollar chips. This same group of friends used to play quarter poker using actual quarters only, so wondering if I reduced the nickels if it would drive different behavior, say 10/10/7. I’m sure a lot depends on the group, but curious on the correlation of starting stacks to the gameplay.
My game is .25/.25 blinds and I give everyone a barrel of fracs ($5) at their initial buy-in. I'm sure most people here would say thats way too many but it works for our game. And as people re-buy the fracs get redistributed so no one ends up with an absurd number. Giving everyone only $2-$3 in fracs seems like way too little and people would need to constantly need to make change.
It’s more than you need but not too many. I went to 5 barrels for a 10 person game and found that change making went up.

Never introduce more fracs w/ rebuys. Hell, we do all rebuys with mostly plaques. Maybe a barrel of 1’s included.

Ten is plenty for the whole night.

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