A couple of guys have asked me about the ultra sonic cleaning method for cleaning my Horse Shoe Chips. This is the way I did it. I'm sure there are 27 different ways to clean chips. First and foremost I have to give 97% of the credit to
@ChaosRock . Its his cleaner. He gave me very solid step by step directions.
Here is everything I used. I used two table spoons of TSP per batch.
This is how they turned out.
Step 1: I heat the water in the microwave for about 1.25 minutes.
Step 2: I pre mix the TSP in the water, then add to the ultra sonic cleaner. Turn on , set temp for 103 turn on the ultra sonic part to speed up the heating process if necessary).
Step 3: Put 40-50 chips in the basket, lock the lid using two rubber bands.
Step 4: If the ultra sonic cleaner isn't on, turn it on. Insert the basket into the USC. Continuously rotate while inserted in the USC. Every 30 to 45 seconds remove the basket and lightly shake the chips. Insert back into the USC and continue rotating.
Step 5:After "x" amount of time. Remove the chips from the basket and place into a bowl of water. I then ruffled the chips in the water ensuring that the TSP was rinsed off of the chips.
Step 6: Place on towel, pat dry, and let sit over night.
Step 7. Oil
Step 8: Fondle
For the whites I had them in the USC for two minutes. They were the dirtiest of the bunch. Two minutes in the USC cleaned the edges and the faces of the chips as seen in the pictures.
For the other chips they were in the UCS for 1-1.5 minutes.
The temp of the USC ranged between 97 and 107.
Any questions ask Paulo