I was hoping I might have final art now, but it won't be ready until sometime next week. This is pretty close. You'll see that the Texas icon is a little different on some of the chips. The one on the $500 and $5000 are the likely final version pending seeing sample print pics.
View attachment 503948
In addition to these 7 chips, I will have two plaques, 50K and 100K which will be included in the sample set, plus a Bounty chip on a 43mm flat ceramic chip. I should be able to get this set out for about $10 or so.
There is also going to be a Dealer button. I'm not tracking DB requests on this thread since
@Himewad has another thread for samples of those. To avoid confusion or possible double ordering, please go to the DB sample thread to request a Dealer Button for any of these sets.
DB thread: