Bumping this thread rather than starting a new one.
I've finished "The Little Green Book" and looking for a good next step towards improving my game - which is 99.99% home games, NLHE, small stakes 0.25/.50 to max .50/1.00
I've seen so many suggestions out there, but perhaps some of the more experienced PCFers can help me narrow it down. For me, I find books with a clear, step-by-step layout, with lots of examples and practice questions great.
I wouldn't pretend to be anything other than a casual player at this point, with a fairly basic understanding of fundamentals. I never seem to lose too much, but on the flip side, I also never seem to win too much either. If I had to describe myself, I'd say more towards Tight-Aggressive, but I suspect my play is also fairly predictable, especially over time with the same group of players.
Hopefully all that helps with being able to make a few sensible recommendations! Thanks all.