It would be pretty hard to fake chips for a counterfeit buy. Zero way to fake edgespots, and if the chips has the same edgespots, the price is prob in line with the high end chip. I would have zero worry in this department.I too am a n00b and have lots of questions...
I do understand the buying and selling aspects of all this, but like @TX_Golf_N_Poker said, I get confused as to when sets are customized, or sold in part, or resold as a whole, I mean as was stated, if there is no counterfeiting, what's to stop someone from relabeling/milling a set with new labels and reselling for a premium since the set is super rare or coveted? I guess it becomes buyer beware?
Also, the huge sets acquired by many on here, surely they are just for a collection or are these sets being used regularly?
I have 10-12 sets, and all currently see felt in a rotation every week. So people with huge sets and multiples can use them regularly.