Tourney What tilts you? (1 Viewer)

Digging in the muck to show what you folded and rabbit hunting.

I now have strict rules against each in my game because I didn't realize how ridiculous my crop of players had gotten playing at my friends sloppily ran change game for so many years. They start coming to my game and it was immediate and done by several of them. Quit wasting time. I assure you no one cares what you folded and if you really wanted to see that last card, you should've fucking paid for it.

Also mirroring your last comment (to a lesser extent) they're getting indirect info about the other player's hands by seeing cards they weren't holding.
Based on this past weekend...playing Omaha and hitting nut flush on the river and being so focused on whether the card was a club that I didn’t notice it paired the board.

A few weeks ago I late registered for a tourney. When I got to my seat, a hand had just been dealt, cards were sitting there, and they let me play them.
I peeked at 99 and raised, got one caller - a woman who I had bluffed out of a giant pot a couple weeks earlier (and showed.)
Flop was a rainbow, 9 and two unders.
I checked, she bet, I called. Turn was another under, check, bet, call.
River was another under - I bet, she raised, I reraised, she jammed, I called for less, thinking I had the nuts.
She has rivered a straight, which I hadn’t even seen, because I was so excited for my set, and probably because I wasn’t even in a poker frame of mind yet.
So yes, playing in a tournament FOR LESS THAN A MINUTE because I’m a BIG FAT IDIOT definitely tilts me.
Lol, at players. Sat next to a guy last Friday that smelled of BO bad breath and dirty Vagina. It really killed me, was even worse when his wife walked in and doubled up on one of the smells.

The only thing that really tilts me is having to sit next to someone who needs to talk non-stop about random shit that no one cares to follow.

Honestly, I don't think anything really tilts me. I get annoyed, but I don't think anything causes me to change my play for purely emotional reasons. The one thing that used to tilt me was just certain players I don't like. I'd find myself trying to stick it to them instead of playing the table. I have managed to convince myself the way to stick it to them is to simply win more than them. So, I think I'm much better about that now.

Also, I tend to chat quite a bit at the table (especially when I'm on my third Diet Pepsi). I keep it down during big hands or when people are making big decisions and I don't talk to people still in the hand, but I do chat quite a bit. I know, on occasion, this drives people crazy. I don't do it to tilt them....usually!!!! In fact, for most people, I try to make sure I don't annoy them (even though I don't always do a good job of that). BUT......There have been a couple players in the past who I didn't particularly like and I knew I could tilt by talking to them. I was not above doing that to them occasionally.
What tilts you?

Pocket 5’s.

No joke.

I have had at least half a dozen hands where I’ve gotten them and I make the absolute wrong decision.

The worst of which was a $25 T10000 tourney not run by me. It’s a few hands in from the start and I’m dealt 5,5 at CO on an 8 player table. Those at the table were not people I knew.

Ammounts are approximate given it’s been a while.

A mix of limps and folds before me. Blinds are base 25/50 so I min raise to 100. The button 3bets to 400-500. SB reraises to 1500ish. BB makes it like 5000. All others fold.

I wasn’t willing to bet half my starting stack on such a low pair and folded. That’s the correct call right? I thought it was at the time.

Button folds. SB calls.

Flop comes 5,5,K.

The remaining 2 players would ultimately push. Turned out the sb had 10,10 and the Bb had suited face cards. Don’t remember who won it.

I’m pretty sure I had no outward reaction when the 5’s came up but inside I let it get to me and I slow burned myself down to a zero stack before the first break.
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Omaha tilts me. Can't even think right on the Hold'em levels in the P* tourney!
I was playing a tournament last week and I should have taken a picture of the stacks of the woman next to me. She had 8 or 10 stacks in front of her, each with 4-6 chips. She knew how to play - she was the typical overaggressive woman - but the point it, she was comfortable at a card table. I just can't fathom having your chips spread out in front of you like that, like a damn yard sale.

I got moved to another table and there was this kid next to me who was mashing his chips. It was bizarre. Instead of shuffling chips, he'd take a stack of 10 or 15 chips and just sort of loudly and aggressive drop them all in a pile, almost slamming them, then gather them up, and do it over and over again and again. It was so loud and annoying, it was unreal. He didn't stop the mashing until he donked himself out, which was blessedly within an hour of my arrival.
Nick Schulman’s commentary

What vids is he on? I heard a young-ish guy trying a Norman Chad-type thing, which is great when Chad does it, but not so much in his case.
When someone else is hosting a cash game, and this happens...
Screenshot 2018-06-29 06.30.48.png

Tilted 2 days before the game. :(

Silver lining: Host's chips are dice chips, so at least she realizes cash is better than them.
Old man nit rolls.

This week. Standard tournament. folded to me on the button. I have 9 BB. K9 Jam (obv)

BB (with 40+BB) sits and thinks and looks at his chips and thinks and then slowly cuts out his chips and thinks and calls.

I turn over K9 (feeling pretty good actually)

He has AQhh.


Old man nit rolls.

This week. Standard tournament. folded to me on the button. I have 9 BB. K9 Jam (obv)

BB (with 40+BB) sits and thinks and looks at his chips and thinks and then slowly cuts out his chips and thinks and calls.

I turn over K9 (feeling pretty good actually)

He has AQhh.



Depending on your table image, the other stacks on the table, and proximity to the bubble / next pay jump, AQ isn't necessarily a snap call. It's I'm always taking a beat before committing a 1/4 my stack.
What else am I missing here? On my scale, which admittedly isn't WSOP caliber, K9 is a lot closer to insta-fold than jam.
Suited at least? Otherwise 9BB or not, I'm trying to understand the rationale of shoving on a hand with a less than a 10% chance of winning.
Not understanding your 10% claim -- K9 is a favorite against a random hand (as is Q7 or bigger), and there are only two players yet to act. Even if one of the blinds shows up with an Ace, you're generally going to be somewhere between 30%-40%, assuming they even call. Depending on the stack sizes in the blinds, 9bb still has some fold equity.
Not understanding your 10% claim -- K9 is a favorite against a random hand (as is Q7 or bigger), and there are only two players yet to act. Even if one of the blinds shows up with an Ace, you're generally going to be somewhere between 30%-40%, assuming they even call. Depending on the stack sizes in the blinds, 9bb still has some fold equity.
K9 offsuit is sits in the middle of the pack and while it's better than a random hand it's only marginally so and presumably by the time the table folds around to you the weaker hands have taken themselves out of the running so the probability of stronger hands remaining goes up some. The 10% is what K9 offsuit can expect at the beginning of a hand. No doubt that goes up as you get later in position but a factor of four seems a bit optimistic.

To be clear, I'm not saying K9 is bad in this position but I'm curious about the absolutism with respect to it being a jam without further information. We know nothing about the table dynamics. We don't even know if it's K9 suited or unsuited. All we know is our stack and the BB's. We don't even know the SB's.
K9s is generally ranked as the 25th or 26th best starting hand in Hold'em (a top-15% hand), out of 169 possible hands. K9o is around 60th best (still a top-35% hand), so better than over 65% of the other hands.
I think the absolutism is the fact hero is down to 9bb. It's time to pick a hand or lose 1.5bb per round (more if there are antes) by waiting.

There's no guarantee of a better hand before the blinds render the stack meaningless. Position is only going to get worse for hero making it harder to attack the blinds.

I'd rather have a better hand for sure, but just having to get through two blinds and hero will rarely be worse that 35-40% if called, I think makes the play clear.

If you want to factor in table dynamics if the BB thinks AQs is a decision, he is probably folding ace-nine or worse making him a pretty good target for a blind steal even wider thank k9o, imo.

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