I don't think Alec was angle-shooting. I do think he started out with an honest mistake and ended up wading through piles of his own filth and looking like a delta bravo by the time his YouTube video was published. Lies are bad; cover-ups are worse. Doug's point re: asking about how much your opponent has in their stack is valid, though, and Wolf failed to do that.
On a regular casino table/floor? Blargh...IDK what I'd do, but I *think* I'd let the hand stand as-is and enforce the all-in at the higher amount. I'm not sure that there's an equitable, consistently enforceable way to handle this.
You could potentially review the hand on
CC video afterwards (I'm not sure that you freeze the hand to do it) and if the chips were effectively hidden then issue a "warning", but as Paulo indicated, what does that really do in a cash game? You could potentially tell the offending player - in private - that next time he's accused of questionable chip position that the chips in question will be considered out of play. You can't tell the rest of the table, though, because they'll use that against him the first chance they get. Not sure how that policy would have any teeth, though. How would they track that "this player loses all benefit of the doubt" list? And how long would the offender be on it?
IDK...this is why I'm not a floor supervisor (among numerous other reasons).
IMO, Wolf is not at fault...at all. There is a rule that clearly implies all chips must be in view.
At fault in the sense that he didn't break any poker room rule? Completely agree. He did, however, break what I believe to be the top unwritten dictate in casino cash play, and that's the same thing they tell boxers - protect yourself at all times. Simply asking how much Alec had would have prevented the situation & provided an additional level of protection for his stack. He didn't do that.