What was wrong with your old chips? (3 Viewers)

In our poor friend's book, chips are meant to impress either fellow members here, or hardly, and, rarely, players at home.
If even the wife is NOT impressed, I 'd honestly recommend suicide, which would reduce clutter around here.:)
Okay, that might be a tad harsh. LOL
A nicely protected sportscar

To be lapped around the racetrack on the truck, to protect its value.
My crew are non-chippers. I bought and bring the chips to our events because I like them, which is why I bought them. Could not care less about impressing the crew. They liked them but no one appeared to even be taking much notice to the change from dice chips. However, there have been events/comments over the past year plus that show me I may have underestimated their ability to appreciate what they now have.

One example was a night I hosted our monthly 3 tournament event. I was switching sets after every tournament. One of the guys mentioned that the chips in the second tournament felt like they had more “gravitas” than the prior set. Although that was the best description he could verbalize regarding the difference he was feeling, I was pretty amazed he had noticed and felt a difference between an unleaded versus leaded set.

2nd example was an event where I did not want to get stuck staying until the end of the 3rd tournament after busting out early. So at color up we changed the chips to the host’s dice chips. I was shocked at the initial protests about me taking the “good” chips and complaints once they started using the dice chips…lol. It was awesome. Reminded me of Nick Nolte trying to go back to eating dog food after he had become accustomed to lobster and filet mignon in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills.

TLDNR: Don’t underestimate non-chipper players, they may be noticing and appreciating more than you know.
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I was playing in a casino with a mix of Paulson $5 chips and ceramic $5 chips.

Player next to me explained why the ceramics were better because they were flat (no Paulson RHC mold marks) and therefore didn't hold dirt.

I opened my mouth to explain... and then just decided to nod and smile.

To quote Doyle Brunson "That's why they make chocolate and vanilla."

It might be worth it to explain once, but most people just won't care.
Has anyone ever thought of the only option that can make everyone agree? This one, at a fairly low cost, even allows in addition to the first advantage, to have 50 mm chips, all without having to pay the expensive costs of oversized Boat chips.

Playing your clay chips in air-tites capsules! :wtf: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

I'm a poker chip snob. Regardless of what my friends say/like, I need what I like.

Even when I designed a CPC set for my core friends that's got a theme they understand, I got nothing from them...
I'm fairly certain my players would be content using shirt buttons as chips to play poker. That is the name of the game.
Has anyone ever thought of the only option that can make everyone agree? This one, at a fairly low cost, even allows in addition to the first advantage, to have 50 mm chips, all without having to pay the expensive costs of oversized Boat chips.

Playing your clay chips in air-tites capsules! :wtf: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

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That's hilarious. Reminds me of the serious Magic The Gathering players will all their cards in sleeves. Smart! "Mint"
So I’ve had three cash games with my Wandering Eye Paulson RHC set. All in, I’m into the set around $3000. For me that’s a lot of money.

I’ve gotten a few compliments but the comment I receive the most is “what was wrong with the other chips?” The other chips were from “Tina”.

We also play low stakes. A cash game has a max buy in of $60 and we play dealers choice. There’s some hold ‘em and Omaha, but it’s usually the carnival style games like screw your neighbor, in between, and draw/wild card games.

Your players may not appreciate them immediately. But after a while they get used to having nice chips, even if they never consciously admit it. If they go to another game with dice or slugged chips, they’ll recognize the difference.

So I ask, what is the point of spending all this money on poker chips to play with people who don’t appreciate them? (And they all work in table games with Paulson chips) Should I have just stuck with the custom Tina set? I see people here posting home game pics of sets that cost $6k and up with captions like in for $60 out for $100. Why?

First, because I play in my own game and can no longer tolerate the crap chips I played with for years before wising up.

Second, because the added cost is not actually that big a cost in the scheme of things. It might even be a good investment.

If it took $5K to assemble my set, and I use it for five years, hosting 2/5 for ~20 games per year, the per game “cost” is nominally $50 per game, or 10BB. About the price of an OK bottle of bourbon. I don’t think twice about buying bourbon—and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Meanwhile high quality chips, by contrast, are likely to hold their value. After 100 games, they will lightly broken in but nowhere close to bicycle tires.

They may even increase in value.

But let’s say they somehow depreciate by 20%. Now they are “only” worth $4K when I sell them.

Now the actual cost of owning the chips is $1,000 over five years. @20 games/year, that’s a bottom line cost to me of 10 bucks per game. Nothing. Coffee and a bagel can cost more where I live.

And the value of cheap chips, if I settled for those instead? $0. Once they are out of the wrapper, they can’t be given away. I dropped my old dice chips at Salvation Army years ago, and for all I know the set is still sitting on a shelf in the back with the old Parcheesi and broken Connect Four games.
TLDNR: Don’t underestimate non-chipper players, they may be noticing and appreciating more than you know.

This is 100% true, and just a hard fact of hosting.

You could put on a perfect unraked game, with a killer custom table, and acetate cards, and leaded THCs, and ultra-comfortable seats, and a great dealer, and great lighting, and awesome music, and Hooters waitresses moonlighting to serve an incredible spread of food and drink… And you might get one compliment a year, if you’re lucky.

But that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate it. It just means they don’t think to say it.

One of my less-communicative regs, who I sometimes think has Asberger’s or some other social disease, floored me recently when he said, “You know, I play in higher stakes games in Manhattan and L.A. and Montreal, but yours is by far the nicest set-up.”

You gotta hold on to those rare compliments.
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What was wrong? Well, they were non denomination dice chips. Then they were stinky/chalky Majestic chips. Now they are Tiki Kings but thinking about trying some Tina Hybrids. May end up with CPC some day.
LOL. Pretty sure that is why this forum exists and why prices are where they are.
I think the saddest part of that is that some prices got driven up here in an effort to impress people in other places besides here.

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