Generally speaking, in today's market for mint/near-mint chips....
casino Paulson $1 chips sell for about $1.50 to $2.00 per chip (including harvested 'live' chips).
casino Paulson $5 chips sell for about $2.00 to $3.00 per chip.
casino Paulson $25 chips sell for about $2.00 to $3.00 per chip.
casino Paulson $100 chips sell for about $3.50 to $4.50 per chip.
Of course, chips in higher demand or limited supply will be on the higher end of those ranges (or higher), while chips in lesser demand or greater supply will be on the lower end of those ranges. Generally speaking,
THC chips will command higher prices than
RHC chips, and real shaped inlays will command higher prices than round (or faux-shaped) inlays.
So plan accordingly. If you see something you really like on a mold you desire that is listed well below those value ranges, you probably should snap it up before it's gone. Chips purchased can always be resold. Chips not purchased may never be seen for sale again, or if so, for selling for twice the previous price.
Imo, anybody who is paying higher prices than ^those^ for Paulson fantasy/home-game chips on a non-casino mold is throwing their money away, and getting an inferior common mass-produced product while paying more money for fake casino chips than they could for genuine and somewhat rare casino chips. But that's just my opinion (although shared by many). Personally, I welcome the current fantasy chip craze, as it keeps those folks busy and out of the casino chip market.