SOLD Windwalker Sale #4: a Starter ESPT Set Plus Extras (Newbie Sale) (2 Viewers)

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I understand what you meant, but I think everyone should weigh in on whether or not you are an azzhat.

Brie and I are willing to help a friend. @LeGold if you still want them and pay the shipping (which is going to be expensive) we can help getting the package to you!!

MFRB should be plenty if opting for USPS, for us that is still considered cheap.
@LeGold....go DHL and no more USPS & customs hassle, they are worth it

@Windwalker -> just a shame LeGold has to pay shipping twice, while international members already pay so much overhead.
Would you consider shipping international if money is sent PP F&F and all responsability drops after handing them over to USPS or DHL ?
Asking for a friend ;)
First things first. I don't want to do the bill without the innkeeper, as the saying goes from where I'm from.
I absolutely appreciate the re-shipping offers, should it be necessary. Thanks @horseshoez & @Ben8257, won't forget that no matter the outcome!

As for the carrier, yes, definitely either DHL or FedEx. More expensive (at least to Norway), but smooth and arrives within a week.
First things first. I don't want to do the bill without the innkeeper, as the saying goes from where I'm from.
I absolutely appreciate the re-shipping offers, should it be necessary. Thanks @horseshoez & @Ben8257, won't forget that no matter the outcome!

As for the carrier, yes, definitely either DHL or FedEx. More expensive (at least to Norway), but smooth and arrives within a week.
They beat me to it but you know I’m always here to help you or any other international chippers with shipping :tup:
Respecting this fully I Wonder if noobs know what the history is and how the face appears. I will admit they look nice from the top though...

If only there was a place called “Poker Chip Forum” where they could go search for “ESPT”, learn its history, see pictures, understand its value, and then come bid on this! :-)
Yeah, then we could easily expand it to 8 months too... oh, wait, well who would have thought!
Now I many also be an extreme outlier, but my first month here, my budget for a set of chips was $150. The second month I actually bought a set, and spent about $250. Last month I spent $500 on my custom cards mold set. MAYBE by the end of the year I MIGHT be ready to drop coin on something like this. Yeah I know, snails pace. I suspect most n00bs are somewhere in between our two extremes.
it is a little insane that these haven't been claimed yet.
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