Not Mine WSOP All In Lammers (3 Viewers)

hi :whistle: :whistling:


If you decide to sell some, I’d take 10 :D
If it went for $12+ on eBay and is now going to be auctioned for more, I’m out. Cool chips though.
Exactly why I didnt wana bid more past 550. I knew it would be nothing but drama no matter what
I paid for it or how I tried to split them up so didnt wana deal with the headache.

Someone here had it for $800 at one time so we could have split it up cheaper.
yeah... I almost got it for under 600 but then a bidding war started.. I'm gonna make an auction thread and I'll post the link here when I'm done.
So you outbid me at 555, then the other guy at 880, esentially doubling the price on a split here so big round of applause.
Unless you planned to keep them all yourself, brafkngvo
If only there was some fair and transparent way to tell who should get the extras... like some kind of ordered queue based on whomever voiced their interest first. If only that information was public and measurable with some kind of timestamp on some kind of interest thread made just for these chips. Too bad we don’t have that :( guess the only alternative is to do a silent auction so the middle man who outbid other PCFers and needlessly doubled the price can get their hard earned profit. :tup:
If only there was some fair and transparent way to tell who should get the extras... like some kind of ordered queue based on whomever voiced their interest first. If only that information was public and measurable with a timestamp. Too bad we don’t have that :( guess the only alternative is to do a silent auction so the middle man who outbid other PCFers and needlessly doubled the price can get their hard earned additional profit.:tup:
Damn you Capt Obvious with your sense and orderly fashion :P
If only there was some fair and transparent way to tell who should get the extras... like some kind of ordered queue based on whomever voiced their interest first. If only that information was public and measurable with some kind of timestamp on some kind of interest thread made just for these chips.

Fair point... that is the best way to do it.

$15 each is the final price
@kmccormick100 - PAID/SHIPPED
@lubcik - PAID/SHIPPED
@jbriod - PAID/SHIPPED
@PocketAces - PAID/SHIPPED
@cpac54 - PAID/SHIPPED

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So you outbid me at 555, then the other guy at 880, esentially doubling the price on a split here so big round of applause.
Unless you planned to keep them all yourself, brafkngvo

I'm not offended that someone outbid me, it's a free country. I certainly don't expect the rest of the world to defer to a bunch of dudes on PCF posting "In for 10" or "Dibs on a barrel." Plus, I wasn't in the first handful of people to post "dibs" so the only way I was getting something that I wanted was buying them myself, so I won't vilify someone else for doing the same thing. He took the risk and has his money tied up in the chips now without any guarantees of what prices other people here would be willing to pay.
I'll take a pair if people in the official line back out.
OK... Now that the drama is over, let's clear the air a little bit...

after 550 someone else can deal with it, I dont like them much more than that to get 10 or 15
and reship.

The bid was above 550 when I put in my max bid, so I assumed the high bidder was not a PCFer and put in my max bid.

Someone here had it for $800 at one time so we could have split it up cheaper.

For the record, no they didn't. He put in a max bid that was below mine, bringing the total up to the 870 level. That was then bid up by ANOTHER person who my max bid held up against at the last second. So, this is the lowest price we could've gotten it for regardless of which of us won the auction. That other o***o bidder would've gone up to 1k no matter what I would've done.

I am not the villain here, nor was it ever my intention to rip anyone off....

Now then, I hope everyone gets to enjoy some of these... it was a hell of a find.

By the way, speaking of hell of a find, @kmccormick100 you'll only be paying for 9... I'm giving you 1 for free as you're the one who found this in the first place.
I'm not offended that someone outbid me, it's a free country. I certainly don't expect the rest of the world to defer to a bunch of dudes on PCF posting "In for 10" or "Dibs on a barrel." Plus, I wasn't in the first handful of people to post "dibs" so the only way I was getting something that I wanted was buying them myself, so I won't vilify someone else for doing the same thing. He took the risk and has his money tied up in the chips now without any guarantees of what prices other people here would be willing to pay.
Im not offended, but I made it clearly transparent of my bid here to try and keep the price down.
The fact that the first thing to happen was he tried to run an auction to get the max out of them after is pretty telling.
GL here with anything else in the future.
Im not offended, but I made it clearly transparent of my bid here to try and keep the price down.
The fact that the first thing to happen was he tried to run an auction to get the max out of them after is pretty telling.
GL here with anything else in the future.
I think his auction idea wasn’t designed to get the max or rip anyone off IMO. When he was proposed with a fair and equitable way to divvy up the chips at a reasonable price that is what he is doing.
The fact that the first thing to happen was he tried to run an auction to find a way to give the entire community a chance to get their hands on some of them is pretty telling.


As I said in the other thread, no money will change hands until I have the goods in hand and I've verified that it is as advertised... I'll post the pics when they come in
I think his auction idea wasn’t designed to get the max or rip anyone off IMO. When he was proposed with a fair and equitable way to divvy up the chips at a reasonable price that is what he is doing.
What he did above was fine going down the list Top to bottom with a price and people can pass or split or what have you.
The previous boondoggle silent auction.... IDK how thats even a thing, was pretty much hot garbage.
The previous boondoggle silent auction.... IDK how thats even a thing, was pretty much hot garbage.

Agreed... in the end... despite my intentions for it being good... it was a bad idea... and I canned it when offered a better solution...
I'm out at $15 per, these are really cool though!
Fair point... that is the best way to do it.

$15 each is the final price
9+1 @kmccormick100
10 @markleteenie
10 @crussader
20 @RocAFella1
10 @ReallyGoodUsername
10 @MykL316

---Current Stock Cutoff Line---

10 moose
10 lubcik
10 Thisfiendis138
10 HardHouseinc
10 jbriod
10 PocketAces
10 cpac54
10 afterthefact
1 dmoney
5 TheDonkeyKong
10 arch3r
10 ovo
1 grantc54
10 David O
10 JMC9389
2 upNdown

If anyone decides to opt out, I'll update this to the next person in line
I understand it's a difficult position you were in with supply < demand. There's no perfect method however I believe there's some imperfect ones.

Thanks for doing this as an alternative. Nothing is going to make everyone happy but I think a transparent and objective method like this is a good start. I don't want anyone to think my statement were done to be self-serving however so I'll take my name out of the hat for these but thank you again for the offer :tup:
I understand it's a difficult position you were in with supply < demand. There's no perfect method however I believe there's some imperfect ones.

Thanks for doing this as an alternative. Nothing is going to make everyone happy but I think a transparent and objective method like this is a good start. I don't want anyone to think my statement were done to be self-serving however so I'll take my name out of the hat for these but thank you again for this offer :tup:

Amen. It's certainly difficult trying to find the most "fair" solution when it comes to selling especially popular items here. First come, first serve works, but certainly has an element of luck to it unless you're logged on all the time, and is biased towards the U.S. market for the most part (I can't count how many items have gone up for sale in the middle of the night here in Europe, which are already long gone by the time I woke up. Same for auctions that end at 3am Euro time).

Does doing a draw from all interested parties solve that? Perhaps.

In the end, as @ReallyGoodUsername mentioned, there will always be someone who is unhappy or disadvantaged. For me too, I think it's the transparancy that is key. In that regard, your final solution @Av8tion is certainly a more palatable one, even if I don't make the final cut on the "dibs" list.
I don't understand all of the whining from those who lost. If you wanted them so bad you should have bid higher. @Av8tion won fair and square. Why the f@ck is he obligated to sell to those who just happened to see this thread and posted their 'dibs'?

If he wants to put up and auction and get market value then he's entitled to do so without being shamed by this forum. He's entitled to do whatever he pleases. Not what is deemed fair by the internet poker chip police.

A large number of people continue to rape and pillage in the classified (I.e.NAGB Paulsons) at far greater quantities and dollar amount without any criticism. @Av8tion deserves the same silence and respect.
I don't understand all of the whining from those who lost. If you wanted them so bad you should have bid higher. @Av8tion won fair and square. Why the f@ck is he obligated to sell to those who just happened to see this thread and posted their 'dibs'?

If he wants to put up and auction and get market value then he's entitled to do so without being shamed by this forum. He's entitled to do whatever he pleases. Not what is deemed fair by the internet poker chip police.

A large number of people continue to rape and pillage in the classified (I.e.NAGB Paulsons) at far greater quantities and dollar amount without any criticism. @Av8tion deserves the same silence and respect.
This is also a great point...

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