Few tipsLooking for tips on how to keep an even mood at the poker table. I've been playing quite a bit of PLO and the swings are brutal. Generally I'm very mellow, but I find myself getting frustrated at the poker table and it spewing out in a comment or my demeanor. I play in home games, at a private club, and at casinos, and generally really like the people I'm playing with. I play poker (and collect chips) for fun and my day to day life is in no way effected by my bankroll. Help!
_ do not play stakes that can hurt your bankroll or savings,
_have a good night sleep before game,
_ limit alcohol you drink while you play,
_after bad beat go for a break to cool off, do not go for a drink,
_ after few bad beats go home, try another day,
_ having get laid night before usually helps relax and get in mellow mood,
Good luck