SOLD Zombie Tourney Set, 20 players (1 Viewer)

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Yeah, @detroitdad I've got the over (3 1/2) on photos of players touching Trihonda's card protector. More players = more opportunities!

You obviously missed me saying, that at a meetup, I could care less if people check out my card protector... You can have all the free pics touching "it" that you want. However, let's keep it clean (out of respect for Jeff's household).

Some shmoe in a bar, grabbing it OFF of my cards, during an all-in decision? Ya, anyone here gonna say that wouldn't bother you slightly? :rolleyes:


friendly bump for DD's sale :)
You obviously missed me saying, that at a meetup, I could care less if people check out my card protector...

I didn't miss it at all. It's just that the "TriHonda card protector" story has taken on a life of it's own, and reality no longer plays a role in the story. It will slowly work it's way into urban legend, then eventually become mythical legend - the time that King Arthur pulled TriHonda's card protector from the stone.

800 years from now, there will be a chipset built with the TriHonda Card Protector theme. You won't be around to enjoy it, so you may as well make the best it while you still can.
posted on wallapop. Letgo is next. I'll leave them up here until after the Holidays and then I'll work on eBay.
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