PCF at the Movies (7 Viewers)

fuck no, standard all the way.

if i could see all movies on an actual IMAX screen i would gladly pay for it. however, most IMAX screens - maybe all? - in big theater chains aren't to the original IMAX specs. also, my local theater has these seats in their standard theaters:


and these in the IMAX theater (in order to get more butts in seats and more dollahs):


no real choice imo. la-z-boys ainec.

The IMAX I see my movies at is a sole IMAX provider, they dont do normal showing or having any other screens. Its just simply one large screen at a furniture store http://www.jordans.com/imax

The movies are all roughly $12 total, compared to the AMC "IMAX" that's $18.50 each.

This IMAX I also attend sends me emails regularly to buy advanced tickets for the blockbusters, all the comic book movies, harry potters, etc.

I love that theater and it has built in subwoofers in the butt of the seats with tempurpedic foam. They actually call the seat a "butt blaster" in the advertisments, slightly gay but I love my butt being blasted at the movies. ;)
The IMAX I see my movies at is a sole IMAX provider, they dont do normal showing or having any other screens. Its just simply one large screen at a furniture store http://www.jordans.com/imax

The movies are all roughly $12 total, compared to the AMC "IMAX" that's $18.50 each.

This IMAX I also attend sends me emails regularly to buy advanced tickets for the blockbusters, all the comic book movies, harry potters, etc.

I love that theater and it has built in subwoofers in the butt of the seats with tempurpedic foam. They actually call the seat a "butt blaster" in the advertisments, slightly gay but I love my butt being blasted at the movies. ;)

fuck i thought i was living in luxury with the la-z-boys. your IMAX sounds sweeeeeet. not sure how i'd like the sound-in-seat aspect, but i'm butt-blaster-curious.

It's all about the kids' animated features for us these days.

Watched snatches of this in between cranky baby wrangling. Some lovely sequences in this. A bit mellow/slow paced for Meh but, to her credit, she stuck with it.

From the makers of the Secret of Kells.

A nice slice of Oirish folklore if that's your cuppa.

I'll try and watch with the missus sans sprogs at some point...
Im waiting on the Furious 7 movie review

as promised, i did see Furious 7 last friday:

i actually like these movies. not all of them - tokyo drift in particular was pretty awful - but they are capable of putting together some sufficiently coherent plots with some fantastic action choreography and they aren't at all afraid to play in 80s-era-schwarzenegger realm. somehow, however, it's cool to like raw deal or commando, but supremely uncool to like Fast 5. fuck that noise - Fast 5 is great. these films are a genre unto themselves.

Furious 7 is no Fast 5, but it is certainly enjoyable and at many points jaw-droppingly, outlandishly willing to do whatever insane thing popped into the 5-hour-energy-infected minds of the writers. i remember watching the Lost World on acid when i was 16 and thinking that every turn in the plot was literally the most unlikely thing the writers could think of and Furious 7 gave me the same feeling. it is gloriously over the top.

my major criticism of the film is its structure. i'm sure that might sound like criticizing the texture of marshmallow peeps, but pacing is hugely important in a movie where you shouldn't be allowed too much time to think about the plot or whether the characters are making rational decisions. i won't spoil the plot (lol spoiling fast and furious "plots"), but i'll just say they could have cut about a third of the film and it would have been one of the tighter, breezier entries in the franchise.

even the very end where the sentimentality is oozing out of every frame, however, the movie seemed true to itself. you have two sides of the 80s-era-schwarzenegger coin: vin diesel who plays it completely straight and the rock who is basically winking at the camera every time he gets through a line - any of which could have served as a tagline for the film.

bottom line: if you like these movies, you'll like this one, but don't be afraid to laugh at the ridiculousness of it.
Wouldnt mind seeing furious 7 ... or 8 or 9? what one is it at now? haha

Last night I watched 90% of The Drop. The other 10% I was nodding off on the couch. I honestly found it hard to follow mainly because of all the mumbling. I have a hard enough time as it is following some movie plots but when its a soft, accented dialogue like that movie, its really tough for me.
the drop is worth finishing and a rewatch to give it another chance if you didn't like it. great flick.
I think I liked it but I was just a little lost after the first 20-30 min. And then nodding off a bit didnt help either. It looked pretty good though from what I can tell
My buddy and I see a lot of movies together...we saw The Drop opening weekend, we were both excited about it. I found it way too slow for my liking, they advertised it like it was an all-time thrill ride and the plot was cool, I was just a bit bored during the movie. Huge Tom Hardy fan here too

Re: Furious 7.............10/10

Its hilarious to see the film becoming self-aware of itself before my own two eyes, the Rock/Dwayne Johnson giving someone the Rock Bottom (his WWF signature move) was hilarious. All of the hilarious 1 liners and ridiculous stunts.

Feels like losing part of my childhood with Paul Walkers movie work ending. I know he wasnt the best actor, but one of my best friends died in a motorcycle accident in 2010 and we grew up on Fast and Furious, Varsity Blues, Into the Blue, Running Scared, and the Skulls. So I always associated Paul Walkers movies with one of my best childhood friends.
yeah i actually teared up for the paul tribute and i have basically no context for his performances outside of these movies and joy ride.
okay god knows why i went on a spree reading pieces on fast and the furious, but i found a couple of good ones including this recent article by dayna evans on gawker and an older article by wes morris before he was on grantland. good reads, both.

and then i read that vin diesel named his daughter pauline and i'm getting a little verklempt again.
This one looks pretty good..

it was horrid.

i saw while we're young this past weekend:

as much as i loved the squid and the whale, noah baumbach just doesn't do it for me like he does for a lot of other folks. this one was a bit different, though. there were times where i thought it felt so overly contrived and irritating and other times where i felt it was right on the edge of taking the characters to really interesting places. to his credit, he doesn't at all shy away from taking his leads down a peg (or ten), but he doesn't seem to know where to go once he's taken them to the more difficult places. i would also rather drink shit through a straw than watch adam driver in just about anything, so i'm sure that hurt the viewing experience for me.

however, despite saying all that, i would recommend the movie, particularly to people who like documentary films since a substantial part of the plot revolves around documentary filmmaking ethics.
I love movies but I don't get to watch a lot of movies that aren't animated. (Thanks a lot kid). But I do use these post to keep a "to watch list". Finnally got to see night crawler last night, I thought it was brilliant. The best performance from JG I've seen him do.

I knew nothing about it apart from the posts itt and the trailer. So I was pretty open minded coming into it. I really liked Jakes portrayal of the main character of a very methodical sociopath. And the movies pace kept moving forward, to me there was no lull which ruins a lot of movies. Great stuff all round.

Keep the reviews coming Jack :)
I love movies but I don't get to watch a lot of movies that aren't animated. (Thanks a lot kid). But I do use these post to keep a "to watch list". Finnally got to see night crawler last night, I thought it was brilliant. The best performance from JG I've seen him do.

I knew nothing about it apart from the posts itt and the trailer. So I was pretty open minded coming into it. I really liked Jakes portrayal of the main character of a very methodical sociopath. And the movies pace kept moving forward, to me there was no lull which ruins a lot of movies. Great stuff all round.

Keep the reviews coming Jack :)

glad you liked it! i was really surprised he got snubbed in the best actor category at the oscars. brilliant performance. for another solid recent jake g performance, see Prisoners with hugh jackman. not as unique a story, but the presentation is pretty good and the acting is fantastic.
I love movies but I don't get to watch a lot of movies that aren't animated. (Thanks a lot kid). But I do use these post to keep a "to watch list". Finnally got to see night crawler last night, I thought it was brilliant. The best performance from JG I've seen him do.

I knew nothing about it apart from the posts itt and the trailer. So I was pretty open minded coming into it. I really liked Jakes portrayal of the main character of a very methodical sociopath. And the movies pace kept moving forward, to me there was no lull which ruins a lot of movies. Great stuff all round.

Keep the reviews coming Jack :)

glad you liked it! i was really surprised he got snubbed in the best actor category at the oscars. brilliant performance. for another solid recent jake g performance, see Prisoners with hugh jackman. not as unique a story, but the presentation is pretty good and the acting is fantastic.

just threw Prisoners on for a rewatch after this post reminded me of it and it made me want to come back to give it a further endorsement. i think this was my third watch, but i didn't everything i loved so much about the movie. really tense, really dark, really difficult to watch - even more so if you have kids, i think - but damn, what a movie.

i love when actors i tend to write off turn in great performances and that happened with hugh jackman in Prisoners and terrence howard to a lesser degree.
really tense, really dark, really difficult to watch - even more so if you have kids, i think - but damn, what a movie.

I have seen prisoners but is been a while. But this is spot on. I have a 4 year old girl and it was hard to watch. They did a great job of twisting your feelings for the characters also, Paul Danos character goes from hate for what he's done to confusion if he's not the monster we think. And the twists from victims to villains. Great movie but don't know how many times I could watch it.
Also reminded me that the guy who directed Prisoners, Denis Villeneuve, also directed one of my top five movies from last year, Enemy, which also, again, stars Jake G. Really weird and the ending will either make you say wtf and roll your eyes or you'll spend the next hours/days trying to piece together the movie you just watched.
I was frustrated with Prisoners. I loved the whole twist and tortured souls thing, but the whodunnit part I figured out about half way through the movie (which wasn't hard since they are pretty straightforward with the clues), and then had to wait for another 45 minutes for the detective to figure it out.

That kinda ruined the experience for me.
While I agree it was pretty clear who'd done it I think the movie is more about the emotional torment the father is dealing with and not a crime thriller. When I saw it I had absolutely no idea what it was about, so I guess I had 0 expectations on the plot. I think if you look at as a crime thriller type movie you'll walk away disappointed.
While I agree it was pretty clear who'd done it I think the movie is more about the emotional torment the father is dealing with and not a crime thriller. When I saw it I had absolutely no idea what it was about, so I guess I had 0 expectations on the plot. I think if you look at as a crime thriller type movie you'll walk away disappointed.

exactly this. that's what i thought was so interesting: it's a character drama within the framework of a police procedural. and you see the characters acting very different from how you would ordinary see them in the confines of a crime drama.

i guess the ending is technically a "twist" but any tension regarding the whodunnit aspect absolutely pales in comparison with the personal and interpersonal tension that is ratcheted up through the entire film.
Watched The Imitation Game last night, best movie I'd seen in quite awhile. It's crazy to think how different the world was 70-75 years ago.
Prisoners was excellent, been a while since I've seen it. But gut wrenching plot. You know it's making an impact when you want to get off the couch and intervene, then remember you're a spectator.
Watched The Imitation Game last night, best movie I'd seen in quite awhile. It's crazy to think how different the world was 70-75 years ago.

i really don't get what people liked so much about this movie. it was the most paint-by-numbers, mediocre biopic of the last couple of years and dislocates its shoulder trying to pat itself on the back for being open about Turing's sexuality yet never shows one bit of it on screen and skips entirely over the most interesting period in his life. and while i guess benedict cumberbatch has somehow built up a reservoir of devotion, his performance was completely overdone and obnoxious.
i really don't get what people liked so much about this movie. it was the most paint-by-numbers, mediocre biopic of the last couple of years and dislocates its shoulder trying to pat itself on the back for being open about Turing's sexuality yet never shows one bit of it on screen and skips entirely over the most interesting period in his life. and while i guess benedict cumberbatch has somehow built up a reservoir of devotion, his performance was completely overdone and obnoxious.

I knew very little about Turing prior to the movie (though I did recognize the name), so it was revealing to me. I'm actually not a huge fan of Cumberbatch, generally -- I mean he's okay, but it took me 10 minutes to stop thinking of him as Khan. The opening monologue didn't help.

I will not pause, I will not repeat myself, and you will not interrupt me. If you ask me a question, I will ignore it. You think that because you’re sitting where you are, and I am sitting where I am, that you are in control of what is about to happen. You’re mistaken. I am in control, because I know things that you do not know.
I've been watching a lot of critically acclaimed pictures lately that I just couldn't get into. The Imitation Game was only mildly interesting. Boyhood (though groundbreaking) was, because of the subject matter, longwinded and fairly boring. Birdman was way too pretentious.

Lately I've become more interested in the cinema classics. I've been watching absolutely stunning black & white films like The Maltese Falcon, Double Indemnity, The Third Man, Treasures of the Sierra Madre, Some Like It Hot, Shichinin no Samurai, and Ikiru. I've shied away from these kinds of films for most of my life, and now thoroughly regret not watching these much much sooner.
so do you have tickets for opening night of paul blart 2?

Hell yeah :). I'll be getting the extended collector's edition the day it's released.

I saw Avengers: Age of Ultron yesterday. That was frickin' awesome. I love popcorn movies that do exactly what they're supposed to do. Entertain, delight, involve, and engage all the important pleasure centers in your brain. It was funny, exciting, with all the witty dialog you've come to expect from Joss Whedon. A perfect mix of levity and gravity.
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Lately I've become more interested in the cinema classics. I've been watching absolutely stunning black & white films like The Maltese Falcon, Double Indemnity, The Third Man, Treasures of the Sierra Madre, Some Like It Hot, Shichinin no Samurai, and Ikiru. I've shied away from these kinds of films for most of my life, and now thoroughly regret not watching these much much sooner.

i've actually gone in the opposite direction. i spent nearly 20 years watching all the stuff you're "supposed" to watch - godard, kurosawa, ozu, bergman, fellini, etc. - and only in the last 4 or 5 years started embracing somewhat mainstream movies and it's been really great, particularly when you see the merging of those sensibilities (most of kubrick's stuff and also Prisoners above imo).

nowadays, my personal top ten (or so) includes genre movies i would have dismissed in my teens and twenties. i think i'm sort of on the bandwagon, though, because if the more fun recent movies are any indication, lots of people are starting to recognize the brilliance of john carpenter.

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