Things That Are Bullsh*t (55 Viewers)


Royal Flush
Oct 28, 2014
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Intermittent windshield wipers with only one setting.
The use of black ink to sign documents.
Generic Post-its.
The argument against the Oxford comma.
Jumbo index playing cards.
Restaurants that close before 11pm.
Non-means-tested government benefits.
Skinny jeans.
Apple maps.
The fact that my office power has been out for an hour.
@bentax1978's opinions regarding broccoli.

In before "This thread."
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Intermittent windshield wipers with only one setting.
The use of black ink to sign documents.
Generic Post-its.
The argument against the Oxford comma.
Jumbo index playing cards.
Restaurants that close before 11pm.
Non-means-tested government benefits.
Skinny jeans.
Apple maps.
The fact that my office power has been out for an hour.

In before "This thread."

I would have "liked" your post, but I legitimately like broccoli.

Otherwise, it's a pretty compelling list.
-Height requirements to ride amusement park rides
-Nutrition facts on food labels
-Roger Goodell
-Excise tax when buying a new car
-"Read" receipts on emails and iMessage
-Game of Thrones nerds
-Magic (not the Gathering)
-Lots of pubic hair
-People who dont wear deodorant
I like broccoli just fine, as well as jumbo index playing cards. Office power loss is hit or miss, depending on my workload.

Height requirements on amusement park rides are for safety, as are nutrition facts on food labels to a lesser extent. I am a Game of Thrones nerd, so obviously I'm ok with them as well.

The rest are all acceptably bullshit.

I'll have to add my own list another time.
  • Organic foods
  • The moon landing
  • Taxes
  • Expensive wine
  • Craft beer
  • US Domestic beer
I legitimately don't understand the logic of the black pen in this day in age I would argue that blue would be necessary to prove that it's the original document.

I should have a comma in there somewhere but didn't want to upset you for not knowing which comma I should be using.
Monkeys in clothes.
Red left turn arrows with no traffic coming.
Bandwagon Seattle sports team fans.
58mph in the left lane while playing candycrush and liking a tweetagramgur.
Automatic transmissions in non suv/trucks.
Shoving chips into the middle as your one rational brain cell says "WTF YO?!?!?".
Not being able to hit my driver anywhere near center face.
Never being able to hit my hybrids, you know, the easiest club in the bag to hit with.
How fast time goes.
Not having a full rack of Point Defiance fracs.
Not having any CPC customs.
Not folding my QQ against the guy who i knew had aces three months ago.
Not folding KK against a guy I thought very well could have aces when I desperately needed points in the league, not that pot, two months ago.
No front license plate tickets.
Not being able to fly my quadcopter on a morning like this.
Shitty pot
Shitty beer
My wifes X5 that is in my garage that needs new air shocks in the rear.
Coming up short of the green.
Not being able to put together a coed softball team where people actually care enough to show up.
Losing to the one softball team in the league with no wins yet.
Lifters tapping.
Nails in tires.
The tribes up here in this area.
Bad beer for sure.

Lol at Roger Goodell and pubic hair.

I object to broccoli which I generally like and really like in some dishes.
I also object to Jumbo Index cards for players {(over 50 years old).

Edit: Add the TSA
I'm a Broccoli fan. Especially once we started roasting it.


Bicyclists that think they are cars but decide not to participate in the laws of the road. Makes we want to run everyone of those bastards down.

Getting into the chipping game late when the prices are higher than what my budget can afford.

Detroit Lions

58mph in the left lane while playing candycrush and liking a tweetagramgur.
and this

more later
Bicyclists that think they are cars but decide not to participate in the laws of the road. Makes we want to run everyone of those bastards down.

Motorists who think like ^^^.

Bicycles are vehicles just like cars in most (all?) municipalities. We pay taxes just like cars. We have the same right to the road and the lane as cars. The only law routinely violated by cyclists is stop signs (because stopping with your feet clipped to the pedals isn't that easy) and that's not much different that cars. When push comes to shove, the worst a cyclist can do to the driver of a motor vehicle is annoy them, while drivers injure and kill cyclists every day. <end rant>
Cursive writing is beautiful and takes real skill. Schoolchildren these days could really stand to learn the kind of discipline it takes to write so elegantly.
Says a man who can't be bothered to occasionally press the 'shift' key.....
I'm specifically speaking about bikers that don't obey the laws. I'm talking not yielding, stopping, ect when required to do so . I work in a college town and i see a blatant disregard from a ton of bikers.
Backstabbing ass snakes with friendly grins.
Committing so many sins.
Giving in when this bottle of Henny wins.
Never having any ends.
Having skinny friends hooked on crack and mini thins.
This DJ playing your shit when he spins.
Not having a deal.
Having to deal with the bullshit without grabbing the steal.
Drowning in my sorrow.
Having to borrow a dollar for gas to start my Monte Carlo.
Motherfuckers spraying shit and darting off.
Jobs starting off at $5.50 an hour then this boss wonders why I'm smarting off.
Being fired every time I fart and cough.
Having to work as a gas station clerk.
This jerk breathing down my neck driving me berserk.
Using plastic silverware.
Working at Builder's Square.
Not being a millionaire.
Being white trash, broke, and always poor.
Taking pop bottles back to the party store.
Not having a phone.
Not having a home to have one in if I did have one on.
Not driving a BM.
Not working at GM.
Wanting to be him.
Not sleeping without a Tylenol PM.
Not performing in a packed coliseum.
Not being on tour.
Fucking the same blonde whore after work in the back of a Contour.
Fake knots with a stack of ones.
Having a lack of funds and resorting back to guns.
Being stared at.
Wearing the same damn Nike Air hat.
Stepping in clubs wearing the same pair of Lugz.
People saying they're tired of hearing me rap about drugs.
Other rappers who ain't bringing half the skill as me saying they wasn't feeling me on "Nobody's As Ill As Me."
Radio stations telling fibs.
JLB saying, "Where hip hop lives."
Express check-out lanes that are slower than regular lanes
Person in front of you paying by check
Person in front of you wanting to have lengthy conversation with the cashier
The bagger at your register immediately leaving as soon as it's your turn
Price checks (it's $1.96 just f'ing ring it up!)
Cashiers who have to comment on your purchase (yes I know these cupcakes are delicious that's why I bought them!!)
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"Bicycles are vehicles just like cars in most (all?) municipalities. We pay taxes just like cars."

No license plates fees, registration fees, or excise value taxes for bicycles in Texas. I looked.
Since it's Monday I'm starting with:
My work
Places that only take one type of credit card
Employers that don't respond to job applications
Typical reasons for not being hired
People who drive slow in the left lane
Poker downswings
Kid's diapers, especially after having corn.
Pencils that break easily.

That's all I have in about 2 minutes....
Discovering a lengthy green thread from your new shirt in your beard after a 20 minute stroll through the grocery store
Nobody breaking the PNW social contract to point out said green thread
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People that stand in the middle of escalators and won't move when you kindly say excuse me.

People that walk really fast in the skyway and then throw on the breaks once the step on escalators.

People that walk on escalators (like they should) and then throw on the breaks halfway down so you run into them - did you get tired halfway?!

Escalators that are constantly under repair! (I'm tempted to run a Minneapolis escalator repair Twitter feed)

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